Congenital Colonic Stenosis: A Rare Gastrointestinal Malformation in Children
Student Research in Translational Medicine,
Vol. 5 (2023),
30 December 2023
Congenital colonic stenosis is a condition in which there is a narrowing or blockage of the colon (large intestine) present at birth. This can occur due to multiple etiologies, including abnormal development of the colon during fetal development and some genetic defects. The condition may lead to symptoms such as abdominal pain, on and off constipation, abdominal distention and vomiting. Treatment may involve surgery to remove or widen the narrowed segment of the colon.
- barium enema
- congenital colonic stenosis
How to Cite
2. Abu-Judeh HH, Methratta S, Ybasco A, Garrow E, Ali S. Congenital colonic stenosis. South Med J. 2001 Mar;94(3):344-6.
3. Schiller M, Aviad I, Freund H. Congenital colonic atresia and stenosis. Am J Surg. 1979 Nov;138(5):721-4.
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