Simple and Multiple Relationships between morningness/eveningnessOrientation, anxiety sensitivity and Addiction in University Students
International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences,
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2015),
20 January 2016,
Page 1-6
Background:Simultaneous occurrence of psychiatric disorders and substance abuse isorders have widespread effects and are associated with worse prognosis. Addicts should be treated in accordance with the requirements of each of these people. This study aimed at investigating the simple and multiple relationships between morningness/eveningness, anxiety sensitivity and addiction potential in university students.Methods: For this purpose 380 students were selected by cluster sampling from Islamic zad University and payamenoorfarshband. The scales used for this descriptive study were anxiety sensitivity index (ASI), Composite Scale Of morningness (CSM) and Iranian Addiction Potential Scale (IAPS). For data analysis, simple correlation and regression ethods were used.Results: There were simple and multiple relationships between morningness/eveningness, anxiety sensitivity and addiction potential. Multiple regression analysis showed that morningness/eveningness, anxiety sensitivity had significant multiple correlation with addiction potential. But Anxiety sensitivity towards morningness further predicted addiction potential.Conclusion: According to research results can be said to individuals that have anxiety and fear and unable to control their anxiety, May have to use drugs to control their own. Inaddition Individuals who have morning personalities are less inclined to use drugs because they are more refreshed in the morning.