The Mediating Role of Cognitive Flexibility in Relation with Personality Traits and Driving Behavior
International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences,
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021),
18 July 2021,
Page 1-12
Introduction: Driving behavior is a multifactor and high-risk behavior that was affected by several
factors such as, individual, social and situational. Therefore, the present research aimed to study the
mediating role of cognitive flexibility on the relationship between personality traits and driving
Method: Method was descriptive- correlation SEM. The statistical population comprised of all the
male drivers of intercity buses in Tehran terminals. 210 participants were selected by multi cluster
sampling and completed the questionnaires of Manchester Driving Behavior (MDBQ), NEO FiveFactor (NEO-FFI) and Cognitive Flexibility (CFI). Data analyzed using structural equation
modeling (SEM) and the soft wares of Amos-21 and SPSS-19.
Result: The results showed that the personality traits of neuroticism, agreeableness and
conscientiousness have a direct effect on high-risk driving behaviors. Also, personality traits of
neuroticism, extroversion, and conscientiousness have an indirect effect on high-risk driving
behaviors through cognitive flexibility (p<. 05).
Conclusion: Cognitive flexibility mediates on the relationship of personality traits of neuroticism,
extroversion and conscientiousness with high-risk driving behaviors. Therefore, according to the
effect of human factors in high-risk driving behaviors was suggested to develop a psychoeducational package for promoting safe driving behaviors in drivers.