Gender Disparity in Death Rumination and Defence Styles: Sample Study Hospitalized Cancer Patients
International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences,
Vol. 6 No. 4 (2019),
18 Azar 2019,
Page 1-7
Introduction: Cancer and the stress associated with it have a significant impact on not only public
health, but also on individuals suffering from cancer can make stressful and pressure conditions for
patients. The aim of this study was to examine the role of gender and death rumination among
patients with cancer.
Methods: The study was done using death rumination questionnaire and defence styles
questionnaire-60 (DSQ-60). The study was conducted on 200 hospitalized cancer patients.
MANOVA test using SPSS was utilized for data analysis. .
Results: According to gender disparity, patients suffering from cancer had high scores in deathexhaust as death rumination. Statistically significant results emerged also on projection (p< 0.05),
projective identification (p< 0.01), and withdrawal (p< 0.05) from defence mechanisms. In
particular, it was found that female cancer patients were more likely to engage in death-exhaust,
projection, projective identification, and withdrawal styles.
Conclusion: Overall, this report codifies the gender disparity in death rumination and defence
styles in hospitalized cancer patients with psychological adjustment in women with cancer,
suggesting that these might be potential targets of psychological intervention for this population.