The effectiveness of Complicated Greif Treatment on Rumination, Emotion Regulation and Coping Self-Efficacy in People with Prolonged Grief Disorder
International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences,
Vol. 11 No. 2 (2024),
18 June 2024
Page 8-20
Background and aim: People bereaved during the first two waves of the Covid pandemic are three times more likely to have prolonged grief disorder (PGD), which can leave them lonely and in intense emotional pain. The disorder, can result in persistent longing for the deceased, intense emotional pain including guilt and denial, and trouble engaging with friends and planning for the future, all of which goes on for longer than six months. This research was planned and conducted with the aim of examining the effectiveness of complicated grief treatment (CGT) on rumination, emotion regulation, and coping self-efficacy in adults with prolonged grief disorder.Materials and Methods: The present study design is a semi-experimental intervention of pretest-posttest with an experimental and control group and a two-month follow-up. First, based on psychiatrist's diagnosis and a semi-structured interview based on the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria of prolonged grief disorder conducted among people of this research, 30 participants were randomly selected using a purposive sampling method. They were replaced equally in two experimental and control groups. The experimental group was exposed to the therapeutic intervention of "complicated grief treatment" which consisted of 16 sessions of 120 minutes, and the control group did not receive any intervention. After two months, the experimental group was examined again.Results: The research findings were analyzed using descriptive indices such as mean and standard deviation, Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) and Univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Based on the results, the main hypothesis of this research was confirmed. F calculated in the posttest and follow-up was significant. Therefore, the effectiveness of complicated grief treatment on rumination, emotion regulation and coping self-efficacy was confirmed in people with prolonged grief disorder who were in the experimental group. These effects were persistent after two months follow-up.Conclusion: In general, our findings showed that complicated grief treatment (CGT) was effective on rumination, emotion regulation, and coping self-efficacy in people with prolonged grief disorder. CGT aims to revitalize adaptation by identifying and resolving grief complications and facilitating the three adaptive processes (acceptance of the reality of the death, reconfiguration of the internalized relationship to the deceased, and redefinition of life goals and plans).
- Complicated grief Treatment (CGT), Rumination, Emotion Regulation, Coping Self-efficacy, Prolonged Grief Disorder
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