The Effectiveness of Schema Therapy on Differentiation of Self and Emotional Control among Couples with Marital Maladjustment
International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences,
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020),
10 Khordad 2020
Page 18-29
Introduction: The family is the most important constituent of the society and marital maladjustment is
considered as a threat to growth and development in marital life. This study was conducted aimed to evaluate
the effectiveness of group schema therapy on differentiation of self and emotional control in couples with
marital maladjustment.
Methods: In a randomized controlled trial, during October 2018 to January 2019, among couples with
marital maladaptation referring to counselling centers in Tehran, 16 couples were selected using purposeful
sampling. Participants were assigned into two groups using block randomization. The experimental group
received eight 90-minute sessions of Schema Therapy on weekly and based on Young Manual and the
control group was placed on the waiting list. Questionnaires of Dyadic Adjustment, emotional control and
differentiation were completed by the participants in two stages. Data were analyzed using multivariate
analysis of covariance in SPSS 21 software.
Results: Primary outcomes showed that schema therapy had a significant effect on the four dimensions of
differentiation of self; including emotional responsiveness (p<0.05), my position (p<0.01), emotional
digression (p<0.01), and interactions with others (p<0.01). Secondary outcomes also showed the
effectiveness of this intervention on emotional control in the form of emotional inhibition, aggression
control,intellectual rumination and benign control(p<0.05) in couples.
Conclusion: The findings of this study are in the line with the previous studies suggesting the role of
maladaptive schemas in marital problems. Schema therapy had a significant effect on differentiation of self
and emotional control in couples with marital maladjustment.
- Schema Therapy, Differentiation of Self, Emotional Control, Marital Maladjustment
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