Interpersonal Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (IERQ) in Persian speaking population: Adaption, Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties
International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences,
Vol. 3 No. 4 (2016),
29 January 2018
Page 42-49
There is an urgent need to develop appropriate instruments to measure student Interpersonal Emotion Regulation for the fields of research and practice. In this study, we sought to validate a brief measure to assess Interpersonal Emotion Regulation in students. The aim of research was validation of Persian (Farsi) translation of this inventory.Participants were 392 Persian speaking students from Ferdowsi University students by quota sampling. Participants completed interpersonal emotion regulation questionnaire, Kashdan emotional styles scale and stress, depression, anxiety and attachment styles of Collins. In order to determine the reliability of the questionnaire Cronbach’s alpha method was used, also confirmatory factor analysis method, content validity and construct validity were used to determine the validity of the questionnaire.The results indicate that there is positive and significant corelation between IERQ and secure attachment subscale. It means that students' predominant emotional styles are considered as adjustment and it is mostly used by people to control their emotion regulation. Alpha coefficient was 0.88 for internal consistency of IERQ. Also the results of confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the structure of the questionnaire is significantly fitted with data and all fitting indexes may confirm the model.It can be interfered from the results of the research that 20-item form of interpersonal emotion regulation questionnaire is sufficiently reliable and validated among Persian speaking students. So this questionnaire is a useful tool for determining inter-personal emotion regulation.
- Interpersonal
- Emotion Regulation
- Validity
- Reliability
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