Orthodontic Management of a Severely Rotated Maxillary Central Incisor with a Modified Whip Appliance in Mixed Dentition Period
Journal of Dental School, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences,
Vol. 37 No. 1 (2019),
21 Shahrivar 2019
Page 40-43
Objectives Tooth rotation is one of the most prevalent dental anomalies. Early management of rotated teeth would prevent possible occlusal interferences. The purpose of this case report was to introduce a fixed-removable appliance, which can efficiently correct severely rotated anterior teeth in a short duration of time in mixed dentition period.
Case A 7-year-old boy with a Class I malocclusion was referred to the Orthodontics Department, School of Dentistry at Kerman University of Medical Sciences with the chief complaint of severe rotation of one of his maxillary central incisors. A whip appliance, which included a removable orthodontic appliance, a cantilever spring (whip) and a bonded tube, was used to treat this rotation. After 4 weeks, the upper right central incisor was aligned and overcorrected completely. A circumferential supracrestalfibrotomy was performed to prevent relapse.
Conclusion In the present case, we treated a severely rotated central incisor in a short duration of timeusing the whip appliance. This appliance can be utilized effectively in emergency situations such as traumatic occlusion of central incisors- Mixed Dentition
- Rotation
- Traumatic Dental Occlusion
- Orthodontic Appliance
How to Cite
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