Infectious Diarrhea Risks as a Public Health Emergency in Floods; a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine,
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024),
1 January 2024
Page e46
Introduction: Infectious diarrhea, a significant global health challenge, is exacerbated by flooding, a consequence of climate change and environmental disruption. This comprehensive study aims to quantify the association between flooding events and the incidence of infectious diarrhea, considering diverse demographic, environmental, and pathogen-specific factors.
Methods: In this systematic review and meta-analysis, adhering to PROSPERO protocol (CRD42024498899), we evaluated observational studies from January 2000 to December 2023. The analysis incorporated global data from PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, and ProQuest, focusing on the relative risk (RR) of diarrhea post-flooding. The study encompassed diverse variables like age, sex, pathogen type, environmental context, and statistical modeling approaches.
Results: The meta-analysis, involving 42 high-quality studies, revealed a substantial increase (RR = 1.40, 95% CI [1.29–1.52]) in the incidence of diarrhea following floods. Notably, bacterial and parasitic diarrheas demonstrated higher RRs (1.82 and 1.35, respectively) compared to viral etiologies (RR = 1.15). A significant sex disparity was observed, with women exhibiting a higher susceptibility (RR = 1.55) than men (RR = 1.35). Adults (over 15 years) faced a greater risk than younger individuals, highlighting age-dependent vulnerability.
Conclusion: This extensive analysis confirms a significant correlation between flood events and increased infectious diarrhea risk, varying across pathogens and demographic groups. The findings highlight an urgent need for tailored public health interventions in flood-prone areas, focusing on enhanced sanitation, disease surveillance, and targeted education to mitigate this elevated risk. Our study underscores the critical importance of integrating flood-related health risks into global public health planning and climate change adaptation strategies.
- Floods
- Infectious Diarrhea
- Public Health
- Climate Change
- Risk Factor
How to Cite
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