A Look at Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine Journal in 2023
Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine,
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024),
1 January 2024
Page e21
In the 11th year of Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine (AAEM)’s activity in 2023, the journal has published 70 articles, all of which are indexed by SCOPUS, Web of Science, PubMed, and some other databases. The articles have been authored by more than two hundred researchers from various countries, including but not limited to the United States, Canada, UK, Mexico, Brazil, Spain, China, Denmark, Australia, Malaysia, Russia, Hong Kong, Türkiye, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, India, Cyprus, Brunei, Somalia, Jordan, and Iran. We would like to thank all of the authors who trusted us with their valuable works and provided us with the articles published throughout 2023.
- Journal Citation Report
- Overview
- Editorial
- : Emergency Severity Index - Emergency Department
How to Cite
Yazdanbakhsh M, Saghaei Dehkordi S. An Overview of Published Articles in Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine in 2021. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2022;10(1):e18.
Saghaei Dehkordi S, Yazdanbakhsh M. Analysis of articles in the Journal of Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine in 2022. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e3.
Science Wo. Journal Citarion Reports: Clarivate Analytics; 2023 [Available from: https://jcr.clarivate.com/jcr/home.
Scimagojr. SCImago Journal Rank 2022 [Available from: https://www.scimagojr.com/journalrank.php?category=2711&area=2700&year=2022.
Scopus. CiteScore: Scopus; 2023 [Available from: https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21101017909?origin=resultslist.
Vali M, Paydar S, Seif M, Hosseini M, Basiri P, Sabetian G, et al. Association Between Neutrophil Density and Survival in Trauma Patients Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit; a Retrospective Cohort Study. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e29.
Huabbangyang T, Klaiangthong R, Jaibergban F, Wanphen C, Faikhao T, Banjongkit P, et al. Pre-hospital Prognostic Factors of 30-Day Survival in Sepsis Patients; a Retrospective Cohort Study. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e48.
Sadeghi R, Haji Aghajani M, Parandin R, Taherpour N, Ahmadzadeh K, Sarveazad A. Leuko-Glycemic Index in the Prognosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction; a Cohort Study on Coronary Angiography and Angioplasty Registry. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e63.
Pishgahi M, Ghane Fard S, Lak Tabriz R, Karimi Toudeshki K, Talebi Z. The Effects of 3-Month Rosuvastatin Adjuvant Therapy on Post Thrombotic Syndrome following Deep Vein Thrombosis; a Randomized Clinical Trial. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e43.
Arefizadeh R, Moosavi SH, Towfiqie S, Mohsenizadeh SA, Pishgahi M. Effect of Ticagrelor Compared to Clopidogrel on Short-term Outcomes of COVID-19 Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention; a Randomized Clinical Trial. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e14.
Asgary MR, Mirghazanfari SM, Hazrati E, Hadi V, Mehri Ardestani M, Bani Yaghoobi F, et al. The Effect of L-Citrulline Supplementation on Outcomes of Critically Ill Patients under Mechanical Ventilation; a Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e11.
Ashtari S, Hasanzadeh A, Bahmani A, Abdolrazaghnejad A. Periosteal Nerve Block Vs. Intravenous Morphine in Pain Relief of Distal Radius and Ulna Fracture; a Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e51.
Aghili M, AkhavanHejazi H, Naderpour Z, Vahidi E, Saeedi M. Haloperidol-Midazolam vs. Haloperidol-Ketamine in Controlling the Agitation of Delirious Patients; a Randomized Clinical Trial. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e61.
Sanguanwit P, Tansuwannarat P, Bua-Ngam C, Suttabuth S, Atiksawedparit P, Trakulsrichai S. Comparing Ultrasonography and Surface Landmark-Guided Lumbar Puncture in Patients with Obesity and Difficult Anatomy; a Randomized Controlled Trial. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e59.
Zarei H, Vazirizadeh-Mahabadi M, Adel Ramawad H, Sarveazad A, Yousefifard M. Prognostic Value of CRASH and IMPACT Models for Predicting Mortality and Unfavorable Outcome in Traumatic Brain Injury; a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e27.
Kabiri A, Gharin P, Forouzannia SA, Ahmadzadeh K, Miri R, Yousefifard M. HEART versus GRACE Score in Predicting the Outcomes of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome; a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e50.
Baratloo A, Ahmadzadeh K, Forouzanfar MM, Yousefifard M, Farhang Ranjbar M, Hashemi B, et al. NEXUS vs. Canadian C-Spine Rule (CCR) in Predicting Cervical Spine Injuries; a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e66.
Ueareekul S, Changratanakorn C, Tianwibool P, Meelarp N, Wongtanasarasin W. Accuracy of Pain Scales in Predicting Critical Diagnoses in Non-Traumatic Abdominal Pain Cases; a Cross-sectional Study. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e68.
Ahmadzadeh K, Roshdi Dizaji S, Kiah M, Rashid M, Miri R, Yousefifard M. The value of Coronary Artery Disease - Reporting and Data System (CAD-RADS) in Outcome Prediction of CAD Patients; a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e45.
Ahmadzadeh K, Hajebi A, Adel Ramawad H, Azizi Y, Yousefifard M. Value of N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide for Embolic Events Risk Prediction in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation; a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e8.
Mekrugsakit N, Tullavardhana T. The Value of Complete Blood Count Parameters in Predicting Complicated Acute Appendicitis; a Prognostic Accuracy Study. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e42.
Hamade B, Bayram JD, Hsieh YH, Khishfe B, Al Jalbout N. Modified Shock Index as a Predictor of Admission and In-hospital Mortality in Emergency Departments; an Analysis of a US National Database. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e34.
Alavi-Moghaddam M, Partovinezhad H, Dasdar S, Farjad M. Ottawa Risk Scale in Predicting the Outcome of Chorionic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbation in Emergency Department; a Diagnostic Accuracy Study. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e32.
Huabbangyang T, Silakoon A, Papukdee P, Klaiangthong R, Thongpean C, Pralomcharoensuk W, et al. Sustained Return of Spontaneous Circulation Following Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest; Developing a Predictive Model Based on Multivariate Analysis. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e33.
Yuksen C, Tienpratarn W, Promkul R, Jenpanitpong C, Watcharakitpaisan S, Yaithet J, et al. A Clinical Score for Predicting the Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia's Recurrence Risk; a Retrospective Cross-sectional Study. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e2.
Karimi S, Dutra EOLM, Rafiemanesh H, Mendez Capitaine M, Jabre S, Baratloo A. Two-Stage Clinical Model for Screening the Suspected Cases of Acute Ischemic Stroke in Need of Imaging in Emergency Department; a Cross-sectional Study. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e23.
Sharifi F, Mehrolhassani MH, Ahmadi Gohari M, Karamoozian A, Jahani Y. Clinical Risk Factors of Need for Intensive Care Unit Admission of COVID-19 Patients; a Cross-sectional Study. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e15.
Isfahani MN, Tavakoli N, Bagherian H, Al Sadat Fatemi N, Sattari M. Extracting the Factors Affecting the Survival Rate of Trauma Patients Using Data Mining Techniques on a National Trauma Registry. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e1.
Masoumian Hosseini M, Masoumian Hosseini ST, Qayumi K, Ahmady S, Koohestani HR. The Aspects of Running Artificial Intelligence in Emergency Care; a Scoping Review. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e38.
Emami P, Javanmardi K. Enhancing Emergency Response through Artificial Intelligence in Emergency Medical Services Dispatching; a Letter to Editor. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e60.
Siamarou AG. Preventing Medical Errors Using mm-Wave Technology; a Letter to the Editor. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e64.
Shaheen N, Shaheen A, Diab RA, Mohmmed A, Ramadan A, Swed S, et al. Basic Life Support (BLS) Knowledge Among General Population; a Multinational Study in Nine Arab Countries. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e47.
Yan X, Dai G. Esophageal Foreign Body Missed Diagnosis; an Analysis of 12 Cases. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e65.
Orakzai S, Jumat L, Alam F. Modification of Standard Operating Procedures at the Emergency Department in Brunei During the Second-Wave Outbreak of COVID-19; a Letter to Editor. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e36.
SeyedAlinaghi S, Bagheri A, Razi A, Mojdeganlou P, Mojdeganlou H, Afsahi AM, et al. Late Complications of COVID-19; An Umbrella Review on Current Systematic Reviews. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e28.
Etemad K, Mohseni P, Shojaei S, Mousavi SA, Taherkhani S, Fallah Atatalab F, et al. Non-Pharmacologic Interventions in COVID-19 Pandemic Management; a Systematic Review. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e52.
Nassar RI. Short-term Side Effects of mRNA-based COVID-19 Vaccine Among Jordanian Population; a Cross-sectional Study. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e22.
Etemad K, Hatami H, Nikpeyma M, Mowla F, Fallah Atatalab F. Long-term Complications of COVID-19 in Nursing Staff; a Retrospective Longitudinal Study. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e17.
Abbasi Ghocham S, Valiee S, Kamyari N, Vatandost S. Level of Self-Care and Patient Care Against COVID-19 Among Emergency Medical Services Personnel; a Cross-sectional Study. Arch Acad Emerg Med. 2023;11(1):e4.
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