Health Data Sharing with the Goal of Value Creation; Trying to Develop a Framework Using Qualitative Content Analysis
Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine,
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024),
1 January 2024
Page e6
Introduction: Within the field of data sharing, discussions surrounding privacy concerns and big data management are extensive. This study aimed to provide a comprehensive framework for health data sharing with the objective of creating value.
Methods: This study is a qualitative content analysis, which was conducted using a combination of written sources through a systematic review method, in conjunction with content derived from interviews with experts in information technology and healthcare within hospital and emergency settings. Grounded theory serves as the qualitative methodology, involving three coding phases: open, axial, and selective, facilitated by MAXQDA software.
Results: Qualitative content analysis of the interviews revealed seven main (core) categories and 44 subcategories as driving factors in promoting healthcare data sharing. Simultaneously, inhibiting factors resulted in six main categories and 36 subcategories. The driving factors encompassed technology, education, patient management improvement, data utilization for various purposes, data-related considerations, legal and regulatory aspects, and health-related factors. Conversely, inhibiting factors encompassed security and privacy concerns, legal issues, external organizational influences, monitoring and control activities, financial considerations, and inter-organizational challenges.
Conclusion: This study has identified key driving and inhibiting factors that influence the sharing of healthcare data. These factors contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the dynamics surrounding data sharing within the healthcare information system.
- Health information systems
- Information dissemination
- Computer security
- Confidentiality
How to Cite
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