Impact of Early Maladaptive Schemas and Emotion Regulation on Quality of Life in Mothers of Children with Disabilities: A Causal Model
Journal of Clinical Physiotherapy Research,
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2022),
3 April 2022
Page e66
Introduction: Acceptance and action-based therapy has six central processes that lead to psychological resilience. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of the acceptance and action approach based on the early maladaptive schemas mediated by emotion regulation difficulties on improving the quality of life in mothers of children with different disabilities. Methods and Materials: This research was a cross sectional study. The statistical population of this study included mothers of children with different disabilities which their children were studying in special schools in Kermanshah in 2020. Mothers age range between 25 and 40 with mean±SD (31±3.9) yr. According to Morgan's table, 400 mothers of children with different disabilities who attended the Kermanshah special schools were participated in the study. Structural Equation Modeling method using PLS software version 3 was used to test the model. Results: The results showed that the initial maladaptive schemas and the mediating role of emotion regulation difficulties had a negative and significant effect on the quality of life in mothers of children with different disabilities; Disconnection and rejection, impaired self-control, other orientation, deafness and impaired limitation had a positive and significant effect on the difficulty of emotion regulation; Disconnection and rejection, impaired self-management, other orientation, deafness, impaired action and acceptance had a positive and significant effect, and the difficulty of regulating emotion has a positive and significant effect on action and acceptance (P<0.05). Conclusion: Since early maladaptive schemas as dysfunctional cognitive foundations had negative affect on the perception of phenomena and the formation of the individual's psyche, so by examining and controlling the problems caused by emotion regulation, can plan to increase the quality of life in mothers of =children with different disabilities.
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