The Effect of Probe Pressure on In Vivo Single Fiber Reflectance Spectroscopy
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences,
Vol. 7 No. 4 (2016),
29 October 2016
Page 233-237
Introduction: Single fiber reflectance spectroscopy (SFRS) is a noninvasive procedure to quantitate tissue absorption and scattering properties. It can be used to diagnose different diseases such as malignancy and pre-cancerous conditions. The measurement is done with a fiber optic probe in contact with the tissue surface. Herein, the effect of probe pressure on the extracted parameters from human lip spectra was studied.
Methods: Thirty-three normal subjects were examined with three exerted pressure levels on the right, middle and left parts of their lips.
Results: The results showed variation of spectroscopic parameters with different pressure levels. However, the effect was seen between a very mild contact (pressure 1) and the other reasonably practical pressure levels normally used in the medical centers.
Conclusion: SFRS can be used as a reliable diagnostic tool in clinics.
- Spectroscopy
- Reflectance
- Probe pressure
- Lip measurement
How to Cite
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