Exploring Intercellular Dynamics: Ultra-Weak Biophoton Emission as a Novel Indicator of Altered Cell Functions and Disease in Oligospermia Mice Ultraweak photon emission and disrupt the normal pattern of testicular cells
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences,
Vol. 14 (2023),
29 January 2023
Page e65
Introduction: Biophoton emission, the spontaneous release of photons from living cells, has emerged as an attractive field of research in the study of biological systems. Scientists have recently discovered that changes in biophoton emission could serve as potential indicators of pathological conditions. This intriguing phenomenon suggests that cells might communicate and interact with each other through the exchange of these faint but significant light signals. Therefore, the present study introduces intercellular relationships with biophoton release to detect normal and abnormal cell functions to further achieve cellular interactions by focusing on cell and cell arrangement in disease conditions.
Methods: Twenty male mice were assigned to control and busulfan groups. Five weeks after the injection of busulfan, the testis was removed, and then the stereological techniques and TUNEL assay were applied to estimate the histopathology of the testis tissue sections.
Results: The findings revealed that the ultra-weak biophoton emission in the control group was significantly lower than in the busulfan group. The oligospermia mice model showed that it significantly changed the spatial arrangement of testicular cells and notably decreased the testis volume, length of seminiferous tubules, and the number of testicular cells. The results of the TUNEL assay showed that the percentage of apoptotic cells significantly increased in the busulfan group.
Conclusion: The ultra-weak biophoton emission from testis tissue was reduced in oligospermia mice. As a result, the decline of ultra-weak biophoton can indicate a change in cell arrangement, a decrease in intercellular interaction, and eventually disease.
- Photon emission; Spatial arrangement; Spermatogenesis; Apoptosis.
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