The Effect of Eggshell and Seashell Nanoparticles Alone and Combined With Nd: YAG Laser on Occlusion and Remineralization Potential of Patent Dentinal Tubules: An In Vitro Study Effect of Biowaste Nanoparticles With or Without ND: YAG laser on Tubular Occlusion and remineralization
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences,
Vol. 13 (2022),
10 Dey 2022
Page e43
Introduction: There is an interest in developing materials with bioactive potential that could block exposed dentinal tubules. This study compared the effects of eggshell and seashell nanoparticles individually or combined with ND:YAG laser on dentinal tubules occlusion and remineralization. Methods: Fifty radicular dentin discs were prepared from freshly extracted human premolars. The smear layer created by cutting was removed using 37% phosphoric acid gel for 15 sec. The discs were divided into five groups according to the applied treatment(A) (n= 10 each): (A1) control, (A2); Nano eggshells, (A3); Nano seashells, (A4); Nano eggshells + Nd: YAG Laser, and (A5); Nano sea shell + Nd: YAG Laser. Each specimen was evaluated for tubular patency and mineral contents before and after each therapy using ESEM-EDXA energy dispersive spectroscopy for the assessment of tubule occlusion and remineralization. Results: ESEM results revealed a statistically significant decrease in the mean percent changes of the dentinal tubules number after the treatment of the experimental groups compared to the control. The greatest percent decrease was recorded in the seashell NPs + Nd: YAG laser, followed by the eggshell NPs + Nd: YAG laser, then Eggshell NPs only and then Seashell NPs only, while the lowest percentage decrease was recorded in the control group. EDXA revealed that the greatest percentage increase in Ca wt% was recorded in the Eggshell + Nd:YAG laser group, followed by Eggshell only, then Seashell only and then Seashell NPs + Nd: YAG laser, while the lowest percent increase was recorded in the control group. The post hoc test revealed no significant difference between the experimental groups. Conclusions: Both eggshell and seashell nanoparticles are effective in the occlusion and remineralization of dentinal tubules. The combined treatments with Nd: YAG laser had no benefits when compared to the effect of treatments alone.
- Eggshell; Seashell; Neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser; Combined therapy; Dentinal tubules occlusion
How to Cite
Hussein, F., & Imam, H. . (2022). The Effect of Eggshell and Seashell Nanoparticles Alone and Combined With Nd: YAG Laser on Occlusion and Remineralization Potential of Patent Dentinal Tubules: An In Vitro Study: Effect of Biowaste Nanoparticles With or Without ND: YAG laser on Tubular Occlusion and remineralization. Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences, 13, e43. Retrieved from
1-Addy M. Dentine hypersensitivity, new perspectives on an old problem. J Intern Dent. 2002; 52: 367-75.
2-Brannstrom M, Gaberoglio R. The dentinal tubules and the odontoblastic process. A scanning electron microscopic study. Acta odontologica Scandinavica. 1972;30:291-311
3-Berman L.H. Dentinal sensation and hypersensitivity. A review of mechanisms and treatment alternatives. J Peri. 1985; 56: 216–22.
4- Schiff T, Delgado E, Zhang YP, Cummins D, DeVizio W, Mateo LR. Clinical evaluation of the efficacy of an in-office desensi¬tizing paste containing 8% arginine and calcium carbonate in providing instant and lasting relief of dentin hypersensitivity. Am J Dent 2009; 22:A:8A–15A
5-Arnold WH, Prange M, Naumova EA. Effectiveness of var-ious toothpastes on dentine tubule occlusion. J Dent. 2015;43:440-9.
6-Chiang YC, Chen HJ, Liu HC, Kang SH, Lee BS, Lin FH, et al. A novel mesoporous biomaterial for treating dentin hypersensitivity. J Dent Res 2010;89:236‑40
7-Abdulrahman I, Tijani HI, Mohammed BA, et al. From garbage to biomaterials: an overview on egg shell based hydroxyapatite. J Mater 2014; 2014: 1-6.
8-Siva Rama Krishna D, Siddharthan A, Seshadri SK, Sampath Kumar TS. A novel route for synthesis of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite from eggshell waste. J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2007;18:1735-43.
9-Santhosh S, Prabu SB. Thermal stability of nano hydroxyapatite synthesized from sea shells through wet chemical synthesis. Mate Letters J. 2013;97:121-4.
10-Lee C-H, Orloff ND, Birol T, Zhu Y, Goian V, Rocas E et al. Exploiting dimensionality and defect mitigation to create tunable microwave dielectrics. J of Nat. 2013; 502:532-6.
11-Silva HT, Mesquita-Guimarães J, Henriques B, Silva FS, Fredel MC. The potential use of oyster shell waste in new value-added by-product. J of Resou.2019;8:13.
12-Bamise CT, Esan TA. Mechanisms and treatment approaches of dentine hypersensitivity: a literature review, Oral Health Prev. Dent. 2011;9: 353-67
13-Saud LM, Al-NahedhHN, Occluding effect of Nd:YAG laser and different dentin desensitizing agents on human dentinal tubules in vitro: a scanning electron microscopy investigation, Oper. Dent.2012;37:340-55
14-Birang R, J. Poursamimi,N.Gutknecht, F. Lampert, and M.Mir. Comparative evaluation of the effects of Nd:YAG and Er:YAG laser in dentin hypersensitivity treatment,” Lasers in Medical Science.2007;22:21-4.
15-De M. Aramwit P, Kwon G.Nanotechnology in drug delivery. New York: Springer-AAPS Press.2009; 2;1-28.
16- Onwubu SC, Mdluli PS, Singh S. The Effectiveness of Nanomaterials in the Management of Dentine Hypersensitivity-A. J of Clin Rev & Case Reports. 2018
17-Nuryantini AY, Sundari CD, Diah H, Nuryadin BW .Synthesis and Characterization of Calcium Oxide Nanoparticles from Duck Eggshells using Ball Milling Methods. Jurnal Kimia Valensi. 2019;5:231-5.
18- Tram NXT. Synthesis and characterization of calcite nanoparticle derived from cockle shell for clinical application. ASEAN EnginJ. 2020;10:49 54.
19-Hussein F, Hashem SN, Elsayed SR. The Synergetic Effect of Silver Diamine Fluoride with Potassium Iodide and Grape Seed Extract on Dentin Remineralization. ADJG.2021;8:71-80.
20-Kunam D, Manimaran S, Sampath V, Sekar M. Evaluation of dentinal tubule occlusion and depth of penetration of nano-hydroxyapatite derived from chicken eggshell powder with and without addition of sodium fluoride: An in vitro study. J Conserv Dent. 2016;19:239-44.
21-Bitencourt NB , Velo M, Nascimento T, Scotti C,Fonseca MGD , Goulart L et al. In vitro evaluation of desensitizing agents containing bioactive scaffolds of nanofibers on dentin remineralization. Mate. 2021,14;1056.
22-Samie BMA, Al-Yasaki MA , Gad NA. The Effect of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Desensitizing Slurry Alone or Combined with Calcium Phosphate on Dentin Permeability (An in Scanning Electron Microscope study). ADJ-for Grils.2021; 8:19-26.
23-Absi EG, Addy M,Adams D, Dentine hypersensitivity. A study of the patency of dentinal tubules in sensitive and non-sensitive cervical dentine, J. Clin. Perio. 1987; 14:280-4.
24-Tunar OL. Evaluation of the effects of Er:YAG laser and desensitizing paste containing 8% arginine and calcium carbonate, and their combinations on human dentine tubules: a scanning electron microscopic analysis, Photomed. Laser Surg.2014;32:540-5
25-Porto IC, Andrade AK, Montes MA, Diagnosis and treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity, J. Oral Sci. 2009;51:323–332
26-Mezahi F-Z, Oudadesse H, Harabi A, Le GY, Cathelineau G. Sintering effects on physicochemical properties of bioactivity of natural and synthetic hydroxyapatite. Journal of the Austra Ceramic Soci. 2011;47(1):23-7.
27-Ripamonti CI, Maniezzo M, Campa T, Fagnoni E, Brunelli C, Saibene G et al. Decreased occurrence of osteonecrosis of the jaw after implementa¬tion of dental preventive measures in solid tumour patients with bone metastases treated with bisphosphonates. The experience of the National Cancer Institute of Milan. An¬nals of Oncology journal,. 2009;20:137-45.
28-Szczes A, Hołysz L, Chibowski E. Synthesis of hydroxy¬apatite for biomedical applications. J of Advanc in colloid and interf sci. 2017;249:321-30
29-Sanosh KP, Chu MC, Balakrishnan A, Kim TN, Cho SJ. Utilization of biowaste eggshells to synthesize nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite powders. Mater Lett 2009;63:2100‑2
30Khan AS, Farooq I, Alakrawi KM, Khalid H, Saadi OW, Hakeem AS. Dentin tubule occlusion potential of novel dentifrices having fluoride containing bioactive glass and zinc oxide nanoparticles. Med Princip and Practice J. 2020;29:338-46.
31-Uslua YS, Donmezb N. The effects on dentin tubules of two desensitizing agents in combination with Nd:YAG laser: An in vitro analysis (CLSM and SEM) Optics and Laser Techn.2020;129:106225-106235
32-Kolker JL, Vargas MA, Armstrong SR and Dawson DV. Effect of desensitizing agents on dentin permeability and dentin tubule occlusion. J of adhes dent. 2002;4:211-221.
33-Kumar NG and Mehta DS. Short-term assessment of the Nd:YAG laser with and without sodium fluoride varnish in the treatment of Dentin hypersensitivity. A clinical and scanning electron microscopy. J Perio. 2005;76:1140-7.
34-Birang R, Yaghini J, Shirani AM. Comparative study of dentin surface changes following Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers irradiation and implications for hypersensitivity. J oral laser appl. 2008;8:25-31-5.
35- Kolker JL, Vargas MA, Armstrong SR and Dawson DV. Effect of desensitizing agents on dentin permeability and dentin tubule occlusion. J of Adhes Dent 2002;:211-221
36-Wang Z, Sa Y, Sauro S, Chen H, Xing W, Ma X, Jiang T, Wang Y. Effect of desensitising toothpastes on dentinal tubule occlusion: a dentine permeability measurement and SEM in vitro study. J of Dent. 2010;38:400-10.
37-Awang-Hazmi A, Zuki A, Noordin M, Jalila A, Norimah Y. Mineral Composition of the Cockle (Anadara granosa) Shells of West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia and It? s Potential as Biomaterial for Use in Bone Repair. J of Animal and Veterin Advan.2007;6:591-4.
38-Ashraf R and Aidaros N. Evaluation the efficacy of nano seashell, sodium fluoride ans commercially available toothpaste on dentinal tubules occlusion after acid attack using scanning electron microscope. In vitro study.E.D.J.2021;67:2783-94.
39-Rosa RRM, Francielle Karoline Santos CalaZans, FKS, Nogueira RD, Lancellotti ACR, Goncalves UDS, Martins VRG. Effects of different desensitizing treatments on root dentin permeability. Braz. Oral Res. 2016;30:e111
40-Pereira D , Freitas A, Bachmann L, Benetti C, Zezell D,Ana P. Variation on molecular structure, crystallinity, and optical properties of dentin due to Nd:YAG laser and fluoride aimed at tooth erosion prevention. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018;19:33-447.
2-Brannstrom M, Gaberoglio R. The dentinal tubules and the odontoblastic process. A scanning electron microscopic study. Acta odontologica Scandinavica. 1972;30:291-311
3-Berman L.H. Dentinal sensation and hypersensitivity. A review of mechanisms and treatment alternatives. J Peri. 1985; 56: 216–22.
4- Schiff T, Delgado E, Zhang YP, Cummins D, DeVizio W, Mateo LR. Clinical evaluation of the efficacy of an in-office desensi¬tizing paste containing 8% arginine and calcium carbonate in providing instant and lasting relief of dentin hypersensitivity. Am J Dent 2009; 22:A:8A–15A
5-Arnold WH, Prange M, Naumova EA. Effectiveness of var-ious toothpastes on dentine tubule occlusion. J Dent. 2015;43:440-9.
6-Chiang YC, Chen HJ, Liu HC, Kang SH, Lee BS, Lin FH, et al. A novel mesoporous biomaterial for treating dentin hypersensitivity. J Dent Res 2010;89:236‑40
7-Abdulrahman I, Tijani HI, Mohammed BA, et al. From garbage to biomaterials: an overview on egg shell based hydroxyapatite. J Mater 2014; 2014: 1-6.
8-Siva Rama Krishna D, Siddharthan A, Seshadri SK, Sampath Kumar TS. A novel route for synthesis of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite from eggshell waste. J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2007;18:1735-43.
9-Santhosh S, Prabu SB. Thermal stability of nano hydroxyapatite synthesized from sea shells through wet chemical synthesis. Mate Letters J. 2013;97:121-4.
10-Lee C-H, Orloff ND, Birol T, Zhu Y, Goian V, Rocas E et al. Exploiting dimensionality and defect mitigation to create tunable microwave dielectrics. J of Nat. 2013; 502:532-6.
11-Silva HT, Mesquita-Guimarães J, Henriques B, Silva FS, Fredel MC. The potential use of oyster shell waste in new value-added by-product. J of Resou.2019;8:13.
12-Bamise CT, Esan TA. Mechanisms and treatment approaches of dentine hypersensitivity: a literature review, Oral Health Prev. Dent. 2011;9: 353-67
13-Saud LM, Al-NahedhHN, Occluding effect of Nd:YAG laser and different dentin desensitizing agents on human dentinal tubules in vitro: a scanning electron microscopy investigation, Oper. Dent.2012;37:340-55
14-Birang R, J. Poursamimi,N.Gutknecht, F. Lampert, and M.Mir. Comparative evaluation of the effects of Nd:YAG and Er:YAG laser in dentin hypersensitivity treatment,” Lasers in Medical Science.2007;22:21-4.
15-De M. Aramwit P, Kwon G.Nanotechnology in drug delivery. New York: Springer-AAPS Press.2009; 2;1-28.
16- Onwubu SC, Mdluli PS, Singh S. The Effectiveness of Nanomaterials in the Management of Dentine Hypersensitivity-A. J of Clin Rev & Case Reports. 2018
17-Nuryantini AY, Sundari CD, Diah H, Nuryadin BW .Synthesis and Characterization of Calcium Oxide Nanoparticles from Duck Eggshells using Ball Milling Methods. Jurnal Kimia Valensi. 2019;5:231-5.
18- Tram NXT. Synthesis and characterization of calcite nanoparticle derived from cockle shell for clinical application. ASEAN EnginJ. 2020;10:49 54.
19-Hussein F, Hashem SN, Elsayed SR. The Synergetic Effect of Silver Diamine Fluoride with Potassium Iodide and Grape Seed Extract on Dentin Remineralization. ADJG.2021;8:71-80.
20-Kunam D, Manimaran S, Sampath V, Sekar M. Evaluation of dentinal tubule occlusion and depth of penetration of nano-hydroxyapatite derived from chicken eggshell powder with and without addition of sodium fluoride: An in vitro study. J Conserv Dent. 2016;19:239-44.
21-Bitencourt NB , Velo M, Nascimento T, Scotti C,Fonseca MGD , Goulart L et al. In vitro evaluation of desensitizing agents containing bioactive scaffolds of nanofibers on dentin remineralization. Mate. 2021,14;1056.
22-Samie BMA, Al-Yasaki MA , Gad NA. The Effect of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Desensitizing Slurry Alone or Combined with Calcium Phosphate on Dentin Permeability (An in Scanning Electron Microscope study). ADJ-for Grils.2021; 8:19-26.
23-Absi EG, Addy M,Adams D, Dentine hypersensitivity. A study of the patency of dentinal tubules in sensitive and non-sensitive cervical dentine, J. Clin. Perio. 1987; 14:280-4.
24-Tunar OL. Evaluation of the effects of Er:YAG laser and desensitizing paste containing 8% arginine and calcium carbonate, and their combinations on human dentine tubules: a scanning electron microscopic analysis, Photomed. Laser Surg.2014;32:540-5
25-Porto IC, Andrade AK, Montes MA, Diagnosis and treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity, J. Oral Sci. 2009;51:323–332
26-Mezahi F-Z, Oudadesse H, Harabi A, Le GY, Cathelineau G. Sintering effects on physicochemical properties of bioactivity of natural and synthetic hydroxyapatite. Journal of the Austra Ceramic Soci. 2011;47(1):23-7.
27-Ripamonti CI, Maniezzo M, Campa T, Fagnoni E, Brunelli C, Saibene G et al. Decreased occurrence of osteonecrosis of the jaw after implementa¬tion of dental preventive measures in solid tumour patients with bone metastases treated with bisphosphonates. The experience of the National Cancer Institute of Milan. An¬nals of Oncology journal,. 2009;20:137-45.
28-Szczes A, Hołysz L, Chibowski E. Synthesis of hydroxy¬apatite for biomedical applications. J of Advanc in colloid and interf sci. 2017;249:321-30
29-Sanosh KP, Chu MC, Balakrishnan A, Kim TN, Cho SJ. Utilization of biowaste eggshells to synthesize nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite powders. Mater Lett 2009;63:2100‑2
30Khan AS, Farooq I, Alakrawi KM, Khalid H, Saadi OW, Hakeem AS. Dentin tubule occlusion potential of novel dentifrices having fluoride containing bioactive glass and zinc oxide nanoparticles. Med Princip and Practice J. 2020;29:338-46.
31-Uslua YS, Donmezb N. The effects on dentin tubules of two desensitizing agents in combination with Nd:YAG laser: An in vitro analysis (CLSM and SEM) Optics and Laser Techn.2020;129:106225-106235
32-Kolker JL, Vargas MA, Armstrong SR and Dawson DV. Effect of desensitizing agents on dentin permeability and dentin tubule occlusion. J of adhes dent. 2002;4:211-221.
33-Kumar NG and Mehta DS. Short-term assessment of the Nd:YAG laser with and without sodium fluoride varnish in the treatment of Dentin hypersensitivity. A clinical and scanning electron microscopy. J Perio. 2005;76:1140-7.
34-Birang R, Yaghini J, Shirani AM. Comparative study of dentin surface changes following Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers irradiation and implications for hypersensitivity. J oral laser appl. 2008;8:25-31-5.
35- Kolker JL, Vargas MA, Armstrong SR and Dawson DV. Effect of desensitizing agents on dentin permeability and dentin tubule occlusion. J of Adhes Dent 2002;:211-221
36-Wang Z, Sa Y, Sauro S, Chen H, Xing W, Ma X, Jiang T, Wang Y. Effect of desensitising toothpastes on dentinal tubule occlusion: a dentine permeability measurement and SEM in vitro study. J of Dent. 2010;38:400-10.
37-Awang-Hazmi A, Zuki A, Noordin M, Jalila A, Norimah Y. Mineral Composition of the Cockle (Anadara granosa) Shells of West Coast of Peninsular Malaysia and It? s Potential as Biomaterial for Use in Bone Repair. J of Animal and Veterin Advan.2007;6:591-4.
38-Ashraf R and Aidaros N. Evaluation the efficacy of nano seashell, sodium fluoride ans commercially available toothpaste on dentinal tubules occlusion after acid attack using scanning electron microscope. In vitro study.E.D.J.2021;67:2783-94.
39-Rosa RRM, Francielle Karoline Santos CalaZans, FKS, Nogueira RD, Lancellotti ACR, Goncalves UDS, Martins VRG. Effects of different desensitizing treatments on root dentin permeability. Braz. Oral Res. 2016;30:e111
40-Pereira D , Freitas A, Bachmann L, Benetti C, Zezell D,Ana P. Variation on molecular structure, crystallinity, and optical properties of dentin due to Nd:YAG laser and fluoride aimed at tooth erosion prevention. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018;19:33-447.
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