Evaluation of Antibacterial Effects of Cold Atmospheric Plasma, Calcium Hydroxide, and Triple Antibiotic Paste on Enterococcus faecalis Biofilm in the Root Canal System: An In Vitro Study
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences,
Vol. 13 (2022),
10 January 2022
Page e50
Introduction: One of the essential factors in successful endodontic therapy is effective cleaning and disinfection of the root canal. This study aims to determine the effect of the cold plasma on the infected root canals with Enterococcus faecalis and compare its antibacterial effect with the conventional medicaments in vitro.
Methods: 63 single-root teeth were extracted. Canals were cleaned and shaped. Ten teeth were selected as a negative control randomly. The rest of the teeth were incubated at 37°C for 21 days to form Enterococcus faecalis biofilm. The specimens were divided into five groups; 2 positive control groups of medicaments and plasma, 1 group treated with calcium hydroxide; 1 group treated with 10 mg/ml of TAP; 1 group treated helium/oxygen plasma. After treatment, F4 Pro-Taper rotary file was used to collect root canal microbial biofilms. Bacterial suspensions are serially diluted, and the percentage of growth reduction for each group was obtained by dividing the logarithm of CFU /mL of each group by CFU /mL of the control of the same group.
Results: The CFU/mL of TAP and plasma-treated samples was significantly lower than the control groups; however, there were no significant differences between the control group and samples treated by calcium hydroxide. The most percentage of CFU reduction was in the TAP-treated group compared with plasma and calcium hydroxide-treated groups.
Conclusion: The application of cold plasma effectively inhibits the growth of Enterococcus faecalis and reduces bacterial biofilm. Also, in the present study, 10 mg/ml of TAP caused the complete elimination of Enterococcus faecalis. Calcium hydroxide had the most negligible effect on Enterococcus faecalis biofilm elimination.
- Keywords: Cold atmospheric plasma, Enterococcus faecalis biofilm, root canal, calcium hydroxide, triple antibiotic paste
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