Photoacoustic Imaging for Periodontal Disease Examination Photoacoustic Imaging for Periodontitis
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences,
Vol. 13 (2022),
10 January 2022
Page e37
Introduction: After caries, periodontal tissue inflammation (periodontitis) is the most common oral health problem. Photoacoustic imaging (PAI) is a new technique that uses simple components such as a diode laser and a condenser microphone. This study aimed to evaluate the performance of a simple PAI system in periodontal disease imaging by using an animal model. Methods: Normal periodontal and periodontitis tissues were obtained from Sprague–Dawley rats categorized as the control group, treatment group 1 (7 days of periodontitis induction), treatment group 2 (11 days of periodontitis induction), and treatment group 3 (14 days of periodontitis induction). The PAI system was controlled by LabVIEW and Arduino IDE software from a personal computer. Results: Results revealed that the optimal frequency of laser modulation for periodontal tissue imaging was 19 kHz with a duty cycle of 50%. The photoacoustic (PA) intensity of periodontal tissues was −68.71 dB for treatment group 3, −70.34 dB for treatment group 2, −71.69 dB for treatment group 1, and −73.07 dB for the control group. PA image analysis showed that the PA intensity from periodontal disease groups was higher than the control group. Conclusion: This study indicates the feasibility of using a simple PAI system to differentiate normal periodontal tissues from periodontitis tissues.
- Diode laser; Laser modulation; Periodontitis; Animal model
How to Cite
Windra Sari, A., Widyaningrum, R., & Mitrayana, M. (2022). Photoacoustic Imaging for Periodontal Disease Examination: Photoacoustic Imaging for Periodontitis. Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences, 13, e37. Retrieved from
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12. Alifkalaila A, Mitrayana, Widyaningrum R. Photoacoustic Imaging System based on Diode Laser and Condenser Microphone for Characterization of Dental Anatomy. International Journal on Advanced Engineering Information Technology. 2021;11(6):2363–8.
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18. Widyaningrum R, Mitrayana, Gracea RS, Agustina D, Mudjosemedr M, Silalahi HM. The Influence of Diode Laser Intensity Modulation on Photoacoustic Image Quality for Oral Soft Tissue Imaging. Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences. 2020;11(4):S92–100.
19. Jeong-hyon K, Bon-hyuk G, Sang-soo N, Yeon-cheol P. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences A review of rat models of periodontitis treated with natural extracts. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences. 2020;
20. Chiang C., Tsai H., Chang W., Chin Y., Chang W., Tu H., et al. A Salvia miltiorrhiza ethanol extract ameliorates tissue destruction caused by experimental periodontitis in rats. Periodontal Research. 2016;51:133–9.
21. Kim M, Jeng G, Donnell MO, Pelivanov I. Photoacoustics Correction of wavelength-dependent laser fluence in swept-beam spectroscopic photoacoustic imaging with a hand-held probe. Photoacoustics. 2020;19:100192.
22. Rui W, Tao C, Liu X. Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry Multiple information extracted from photoacoustic radio-frequency signal and the application on tissue classification. Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry. 2020;66:105095.
23. Chai WL, Razali M, Moharamzadeh K, Zafar MS. The hard and soft tissue interfaces with dental implants. Dental Implants. Elsevier Ltd; 2020. 173–201 p.
2. Seinost G, Horina A, Arefnia B, Kulnik R, Kerschbaumer S, Quehenberger F, et al. Periodontal treatment and vascular inflammation in patients with advanced peripheral arterial disease : A randomized controlled trial. Atherosclerosis. 2020;313:60–9.
3. Aquino-martinez R, Rowsey JL, Fraser DG, Eckhardt BA, Khosla S, Farr JN, et al. LPS-induced premature osteocyte senescence : Implications in in fl ammatory alveolar bone loss and periodontal disease pathogenesis. Bone. 2020;132:115220.
4. Yao Q, Ding Y, Liu G, Zeng L. Low-cost photoacoustic imaging systems based on laser diode and light-emitting diode excitation. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences. 2017;10(4):1–13.
5. Newman, Takei, Klokkevold, Carranza. Clinical Periodontology. Philadelphia: Elseiver; 2019.
6. Erfanzadeh M, Kumavor PD, Zhu Q. Laser scanning laser diode photoacoustic microscopy system. Photoacoustics. 2018;9:1–9.
7. Periyasamy V, Rangaraj M, Pramanik M. Photoacoustic imaging of teeth for dentine imaging and enamel characterization. Laser in Dentistry. 2018;10473:1047309–1.
8. Attia ABE, Balasundaram G, Moothanchery M, Dinish US, Bi R, Ntziachristos V, et al. A review of clinical photoacoustic imaging: Current and future trends. Photoacoustics. 2019;16:100144.
9. Zhao T, Desjardins AE, Ourselin S, Vercauteren T, Xia W. Minimally invasive photoacoustic imaging: Current status and future perspectives. Photoacoustics. 2019;16:100146.
10. Moore C, Bai Y, Hariri A, Sanchez JB, Lin CY, Koka S, et al. Photoacoustic imaging for monitoring periodontal health: A first human study. Photoacoustics. 2018;12:67–74.
11. Lin CY, Chen F, Hariri A, Chen CJ, Takesh T, Jokerst J V. Photoacoustic Imaging for Non invasive Periodontal Probing Depth Measurements. Journal of Dental Research. 2018;97(1):23–30.
12. Alifkalaila A, Mitrayana, Widyaningrum R. Photoacoustic Imaging System based on Diode Laser and Condenser Microphone for Characterization of Dental Anatomy. International Journal on Advanced Engineering Information Technology. 2021;11(6):2363–8.
13. Wu Y, Zhang HK, Kang J, Boctor EM. An economic photoacoustic imaging platform using automatic laser synchronization and inverse beamforming. Ultrasonics. 2020;103:106098.
14. Wang L V. Photoacoustic Imaging and Spectroscopy. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 2017.
15. Taher Agha M, Polenik P. Laser Treatment for Melanin Gingival Pigmentations: A Comparison Study for 3 Laser Wavelengths 2780, 940, and 445 nm. International Journal of Dentistry. 2020;2020:1–11.
16. Nelissen E, van Goethem NP, Bonassoli VT, Heckman PRA, van Hagen BTJ, Suay D, et al. Validation of the xylazine/ketamine anesthesia test as a predictor of the emetic potential of pharmacological compounds in rats. Neuroscience Letters. 2019;699:41–6.
17. Widyaningrum R, Agustina D, Mudjosemedi M, Mitrayana. Photoacoustic for Oral Soft Tissue Imaging based on Intensity Modulated Continuous-Wave Diode Laser. International Journal on Advanced Engineering Information Technology. 2018;8(2):622–7.
18. Widyaningrum R, Mitrayana, Gracea RS, Agustina D, Mudjosemedr M, Silalahi HM. The Influence of Diode Laser Intensity Modulation on Photoacoustic Image Quality for Oral Soft Tissue Imaging. Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences. 2020;11(4):S92–100.
19. Jeong-hyon K, Bon-hyuk G, Sang-soo N, Yeon-cheol P. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences A review of rat models of periodontitis treated with natural extracts. Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences. 2020;
20. Chiang C., Tsai H., Chang W., Chin Y., Chang W., Tu H., et al. A Salvia miltiorrhiza ethanol extract ameliorates tissue destruction caused by experimental periodontitis in rats. Periodontal Research. 2016;51:133–9.
21. Kim M, Jeng G, Donnell MO, Pelivanov I. Photoacoustics Correction of wavelength-dependent laser fluence in swept-beam spectroscopic photoacoustic imaging with a hand-held probe. Photoacoustics. 2020;19:100192.
22. Rui W, Tao C, Liu X. Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry Multiple information extracted from photoacoustic radio-frequency signal and the application on tissue classification. Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry. 2020;66:105095.
23. Chai WL, Razali M, Moharamzadeh K, Zafar MS. The hard and soft tissue interfaces with dental implants. Dental Implants. Elsevier Ltd; 2020. 173–201 p.
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