Introducing Protein Homeostasis and Glycogen Synthesis as Two Targets of Blue Light Radiation in Lentinula edodes
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences,
Vol. 13 (2022),
10 January 2022
Page e47
Introduction: There are documents about biological effects of blue light radiation on different organisms. Molecular mechanism understanding of radiation effects on biological samples is an important event which attracted attention of researchers. Determining of the critical dysregulated proteins of Lentinula edodes following blue light radiation is the aim of this study.
Methods: Number of 22 differentially expressed proteins of Lentinula edodes in response to 300 lux of blue light were extracted from literature. Experimental, text mining, and co-expression connections between the queried proteins were assessed via STRING database. The maps were compared and the critical proteins were identified.
Results: Among the 21 queried proteins, six individuals including; heat shock HSP70 protein, 20S proteasome subunit, 26S proteasome subunit P45, Aspartate aminotransferase, Phosphopyruvate hydratase, and Phosphoglucomutase were highlighted as the critical proteins in response to blue light radiation.
Conclusion: Finding indicates that protein homeostasis and glycogen synthesis are affected by blue light radiation.
- Blue light -
- Proteomics - GlycoGlycogen - Protein Degradation
- Co expression
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