Influence of Fiber Laser (1064 nm) on Shear Bond Strength of Titanium Abutment and Resin Cement Fiber Laser Effect on Titanium-Resin Cement Interface
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences,
Vol. 13 (2022),
10 January 2022
Page e77
Introduction: The present study was performed to evaluate the influence of a 1064 nm fiber laser on shear bond strength (SBS) at the interface of titanium and resin cement.
Methods: Forty titanium discs of 6 mm × 3 mm (diameter and thickness respectively) were categorized into four groups (n=10): control group without any surface treatment and three groups treated with a fiber laser with 81 ns pulse duration, 30 kHz frequency, 10000 mm/s scanning speed, 0.05 mm spot size, and different average power values (3, 5 and 7 W) depending on the tested group. Titanium disc characterization was performed by the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and surface roughness tester. Phase analysis was achieved using an X-ray diffractometer (XRD). Following these tests, resin cement application to titanium discs was performed. SBS values were determined by the universal testing machine. After debonding, the surface of titanium discs
was examined by the stereomicroscope for the determination of failure modes. Data analysis was performed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey HSD tests (α=0.05).
Results: A higher surface roughness value was observed in the 7 W group followed by the 5 W and 3 W groups, and the lowest surface roughness was in the control group. Additionally, the lowest SBS value was obtained from the control group and the highest SBS value was obtained from the 7 W group followed by the 5 W and 3 W groups.
Conclusion: SBS between titanium abutment and resin cement can be significantly enhanced by using a fiber laser as a surface treatment considering tested laser parameters; additionally, a positive association between surface roughness and SBS was noted in the experimental groups.
- Fiber laser; Titanium abutment; Shear bond strength; Resin cement; Surface roughness
How to Cite
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