The effect of photobiomodulation therapy on the stability of orthodontic mini-implants in human and animal studies: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences,
Vol. 13 (2022),
10 January 2022
Page e27
Purpose: The present study aimed is to systematically explore available literature on the possible impact of PBM therapy on stability and success of orthodontic mini-implants.
Methods:.A comprehensive electronic search was conducted in PubMed, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane and Embase databases for human and animal studies published till July 2021.Two independent researchers reviewed the studies based on specific eligibility criteria.
Results: After a comprehensive search removing unrelated items, 15 studies were included in the systematic review. In the meta-analysis, 10 studies were included. 4 human RCT studies that evaluate the stability with Preriotest, 3 human RCT studies and 2 animal studies that evaluate the stability with implant stability quotient (ISQ) and 2 human RCT studies that examined the displacement of mini-implants. The analysis results of Periotest stability results showed a positive effect of PBM on mini-implant stability 30 and 60 days after implantation (P<0.05). In human studies using the ISQ method, an improvement was seen in PBMT group, however, this was not statistically significant. (CI=-1.92-2.70, SMD=0.39). In the studies that examined the displacement of mini-implants, no statistically significant difference was observed (CI= -1.92-2.70, SMD= 0.03). In the animal studies, which had used the ISQ method, the use of laser was effective in increasing the stability of micro-implants (SMD= 1.43, CI=1.00 - 1.85). Although positive effects were observed with PBM, however, further studies are still needed for establishing evidence-based dosing and irradiation protocols.
Conclusion: Photobiomodulation therapy can be suggested as an adjunctive clinical method to improve stability of mini-implant treatment.
Keywords: mini-implant, stability, photobiomodulation
- mini-implant, stability, photobiomodulation
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