Dental Lasers: A Review of Safety Essentials
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences,
Vol. 3 No. 3 (2012),
30 July 2012
Page 91-96
The laser technology offers a wide range of uses in dentistry with certain advantages to the general dental practitioner like bloodless surgery, minimal post-operative pain, reduction of operative time and high patient acceptance. Patient acceptance has also been demonstrated in various studies. Apart of these major advantages, safety regarding the use of lasers cannot be neglected and has become an important concern in this modern era of dentistry, as application of this technology is growing day by day. Potential hazards can be encountered while using lasers like ocular hazards, tissue injury, inhaling the vapor emitted by the laser procedure, fire and explosion hazards etc. The safe use of lasers includes all the individuals who might be exposed either deliberately or accidently while using lasers and effective measures that can be undertaken by clinicians and health professionals to minimize the injuries caused due to laser accidents. The present article serves to explore the risks involved in the use of lasers in dentistry and suggest some of the laser safety protocols/measures that can be established in the dental office for prevention of laser injuries.
- laser
- safety
- hazards
- dentistry
- measures
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