A Low-Cost Method for Optical Tomography
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences,
Vol. 3 No. 3 (2012),
30 July 2012
Page 102-108
INTRODUCTION: In this study, arrangement of a low-cost optical tomography device compared to other methods such as frequency domain diffuse tomography or time domain diffuse tomography is reported. This low-cost diffuse optical imaging technique is based on the detection of light after propagation in tissue. These detected signals are applied to predict the location of in-homogeneities inside phantoms. The device is assessed for phantoms representing homogenous healthy breast tissues as well as those representing healthy breast tissues with a lesion inside.
METHODS: A diode laser at 780nm and 50 mW is used as the light source. The scattered light is then collected from the outer surface of the phantom by a detector. Both laser and detector are fiber coupled. The detector fiber may turn around the phantom to collect light scattered at different angles. Phantoms made of intralipid as the scattering medium and ink as the absorbing medium are used as samples. Light is collected after propagation in the phantoms and the capability of the device in collecting data and detecting lesions inside the phantoms is assessed. The fact that the detection fiber orbits around the sample and detects light from various angles has eliminated the need to use several detectors and optical fibers. The results obtained from experiments are compared with the results obtained from a finite element method (FEM) solution of diffusion equation in cylindrical geometry written in FORTRAN.
RESULTS: The graphs obtained experimentally and numerically are in good accordance with each other. The device has been able to detect lesions up to 13 mm inside the biological phantom.
CONCLUSION: The data achieved by the optical tomography device is compared with the data achieved via a FEM code written in FORTRAN. The results indicate that the presented device is capable of providing the correct pattern of diffusely backscattered and transmitted light. The data achieved from the device is in excellent correlation with the numerical solution of the diffusion equation. Therefore, results indicate the applicability of the reported device. This device may be used as a base for an optical imaging. It is also capable of detecting lesions inside the phantoms
- optical tomography
- diode laser
- biological phantom.
How to Cite
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