Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Orofacial Pain
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences,
Vol. 3 No. 3 (2012),
30 Mordad 2012
Page 97-101
Low-power lasers are a group of lasers with a power less than 500 mW and unlike high-power lasers they have no effect on tissue temperature; they produce light-dependent chemical reactions in tissues. The purpose of this study was to review the clinical applications of these lasers and their success rate in different studies in orofacial pains. The articles with the key word “low level laser therapy” were extracted from pubmed. Clinical trials, meta-analysis, randomized clinical trials, and review articles were selected. Related articles to orofacial region were gathered and selected from the search results and carefully reviewed. Laser therapy may affect many cellular and sub-cellular processes, although exact mechanism has not been well-defined yet. Articles had different points of views as mentioned in the context of this article. Low level laser therapy was effective in orofacial pain relief in most studies, but the use of laser remains controversial. These lasers have analgesic features, and it is according to these features they have been used in the treatment of orofacial pain, Including myofacial pain, mucositis, facial myalgia, temporomandibular joint disorders and neuralgia. It seems that laser therapy can be considered as an alternative physical modality in treatment of orofacial pain.
- orofacial pain
- low level laser therapy
- mucositis
- neuralgia
How to Cite
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