The Combination of Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy and Photobiomodulation Therapy for the Treatment of Palatal Ulcers: A Case Report
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences,
Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020),
15 March 2020
Page 228-233
Introduction: One of the unexpected side effects of the Haas type palatal expander is ulcers progressing to necrotic lesions in the palatal area due to poor hygiene. The use of antibiotic therapy is mandatory. However, long periods of healing/pain and the need for a systemic host response with the aid of metabolization, especially in children, are issues that should be taken into account in the management of this type of injury. Since phototherapy modalities (antimicrobial photodynamic therapy [aPDT] and photobiomodulation therapy [PBMT]) are able to enhance and accelerate the healing process and reduce the bacterial load, this case report aimed to describe the use of the above-mentioned therapies to treat palatal ulcers occurring during orthodontic expansion.
Case Report: The patient, a 10-year-old boy, with a chief complaint of bleeding and continuous pain in the region of his expander was verified on a follow-up visit. After a dental examination, the expander was removed and two necrotic lesions which were in contact with the acrylic part of the tooth-tissue expander were found in the palatal region. The proposal was to use one aPDT session with methylene blue followed by 4 sessions of PBMT with a red laser diode. On the 5th day, reorganized tissue was verified, with the absence of bleeding, swelling, and pain. On the 20th day of follow-up, the area showed no signs of inflammation, healthy tissue without any pathological clinical symptoms, and complete wound healing.
Conclusion: The concomitant use of PBMT and aPDT therapies may be considered feasible as an adjunct treatment to manage palatal ulcers resulting from the incorrect use of tooth-tissue types of expanders.
- Low-level laser therapy
- Oral ulcer
- Palatal expansion technique
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