LANAP, Periodontics and Beyond: A Review
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences,
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018),
27 April 2018
Page 76-81
Laser has emerged as an adjunct in several treatment modalities in dentistry in the past few decades. This less invasive bladeless technique is bringing revolutionary outcomes in a plethora of periodontal treatment procedures as well. A unique ameliorative approach termed LANAP, described as laser-assisted new attachment procedure was developed by Gregg and McCarthy. In 1990 they introduced an innovative treatment for diseases of gums incorporating pulsed neodymium yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd: YAG) 1064 nm wavelength laser (PerioLase MVP-7). The LANAP concept was endorsed by Yukna et al who conducted a study according to the protocol reinforced at the1996 world workshop in periodontics, which established specific histologic criteria to prove regeneration. Yukna’s histological study found that regeneration of the periodontally compromised root could be achieved by Nd: YAG laser. LANAP facilitates refurbishing of new tissues from supporting structures of the periodontium wherein the unhealthy surface of the roots exhibit pristine attachments in human beings. This paper is a review providing a detailed report of LANAP from its inception to recent advances.
- Laser
- Nd
- Periodontics
- Periodontal regeneration.
How to Cite
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