Diode Laser Assisted Excision and Low Level Laser Therapy in the Management of Mucus Extravasation Cysts: A Case Series
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences,
Vol. 8 No. 3 (2017),
30 June 2017
Page 155-159
Introduction: Mucus extravasation cyst is a commonly occurring lesion in oral cavity that may result from traumatic severance of a salivary gland duct with subsequent extravasation of mucus into fibrous connective tissue. After a conventional excision or marsupialization, recurrence is not uncommon. Diode laser offers an effective modality for management of such lesions.Case Reports: Four patients were referred with painless fluctuant swellings on labial and buccal mucosa. After recording history and clinical examination, provisional diagnosis of mucocele was made. All the lesions were excised with a diode laser and biopsy was performed. Surgical wounds were treated with low-level laser therapy (LLLT).
Results: Uneventful healing was observed in all 4 cases. Significant reduction in postoperative discomfort was recorded after application of LLLT. Histopathological findings were suggestive of mucus extravasation cysts.
Conclusion: Diode laser appears to be a good alternative to conventional modalities for the management of mucus extravasation cysts.
- Mucocele
- Mucus extravasation Cyst
- Diode laser
- Low-level laser therapy.
How to Cite
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