Management of Oral Lichen Planus by 980 nm Diode Laser
Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences,
Vol. 8 No. 3 (2017),
30 June 2017
Page 150-154
Introduction: Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a mucocutaneous disease with uncertain etiology. As the etiology is unknown standard treatment modalities are not available. The traditional and common treatment relies on corticosteroids whether topical or systemic. In recent years, development of lasers made a proper path to use this instrument for treatment of the diseases which are refractory to conventional treatments. Previous studies in this field used CO2, ND:YAG, Excimer and some wavelength of diode lasers for the treatment of different types of lichen planus.Case Report: In this study, we present an OLP case which is treated using 980 nm diode laser. The result was measured by visual analogue scale (VAS) and clinical assessment; as a result, symptoms including pain and soreness started to decrease within a week, and by the end of a month completely subsided; the lesion disappeared totally as well. No recurrence was observed after a month and no side-effect was reported.
Conclusion: 980 nm diode laser can be successfully used for treatment of patients with OLP.
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