The Assessment of left ventricular Function in MRI using the detection of myocardial borders and optical flow approaches: A Review
International Journal of Cardiovascular Practice,
Vol. 2 No. 4 (2017),
27 August 2017,
Page 73-75
The evaluation of left ventricular wall motion in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) clinical practice is based on a visual assessment of cine-MRI sequences. In fact, clinical interpreters (radiologists) proceed with a global visual evaluation of multiple cine-MRI sequences acquired in the three standard views. In addition, some functional parameters are quantified following a manual or a semi-automatic contouring of the myocardial borders. Although these parameters give information about the functional state of the left ventricle, they are not able to provide the location and the extent of wall motion abnormalities, which are associated with many cardiovascular diseases. In the past years, several approaches were developed to overcome the limitations of the classical evaluation techniques of left ventricular function. The aim of this article is to present an overview of the different methods and to summarize the relevant techniques based on myocardial contour detection and optical flow for regional assessment of left ventricular abnormalities.