International Journal of Cardiovascular Practice
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Type of Articles

Original  Articles: All types of original research articles, including experiments conducted on human subjects, laboratory animals, and in vitro will be considered for publication. All clinical trials must be registered in a public trials registry at or before the onset of participant enrollment.

The manuscript should be arranged as the following sequence:  1) Title page, 2) Abstract(Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusion) and key words, 3) Text (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion), 4) Acknowledgements, 5)Disclosures 6)Author Contributions Statement 7) References, 8) Legends, 9) Tables.

Original articles should not exceed 5,000 words including references and legends. The number of references is limited to 50 reports.

Review Articles: Concise and comprehensive articles devoted to reviewing a certain area or topic will appear in this category.

The manuscript should be arranged as the following sequence:  1) Title page, 2) Abstract and key words, 3) Text (Introduction, Methods, Primary and secondary topic headings (as many as required), Discussion), 4) Disclosures 5) Acknowledgements, 6) References, 7) Legends, 8) Tables.

Review articles should not exceed 10,000 words including references and legends. The number of references is unlimited.

Case Reports: reports should describe novel and educational findings with significant clinical impact on cardiovascular disease.

The manuscript should be arranged as the following sequence: 1) Title page, 2) Abstract and key words, 3) Text (Introduction, case presentation, Discussion), 4) Acknowledgements, 5) References, 6) Tables, 7) Legends.

The length of such articles should not exceed 1500 words. The number of references is limited to 10 reports.

Letters to the Editor: accepts letters to the editor such as new comments, recommendations,  and letters that discuss published in the journal during the previous six months.

The manuscript should be arranged as the following sequence: 1) Title page, 2) Letter, 3) Acknowledgements, 4) References.

The length of such letters should not exceed 1500 words. The number of references is limited to 5  reports.

 Images in Cardiovascular Medicine: Clinical images demonstrate important or novel findings, and provide insight into diagnosis and mechanisms of cardiovascular disease will be considered for publication.

The manuscript should be arranged as the following sequence: 1) title page, 2) descriptive text 3) references 4) figure legend.

The length of such letters should not exceed 1000 words. The number of references is limited to 4  reports.


ECG and EPS for students and associated professionals: The manuscript should be arranged as the following sequence: 1) Title page, 2) Abstract and key words, 3) Text (Case presentation, Discussion), 4) Acknowledgements, 5)Disclosures 6) References, 7) Legends.



Structure of Articles

Title Page:
Should contain title, author(s) information such as the first name, last name, highest academic degree, and affiliation, The name and address of the corresponding author to whom reprint requests should be sent.

Abstract and key words:
Should contain introduction, methods, results, and conclusion sections separately. Except for case reports and review articles that doesn't need this format. The length of abstract should not exceed 250 words(for case report less than 100 words).

Key words (5 words maximum) should be used from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) list of Index Medicus (

Typical main headings include Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion.
 Abbreviations must be defined at first mention in the text.

All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be covered in the acknowledgement section.

Authors  must  declare  any  sources  of  funding  and potential conflicting interest, such as receiving funds. State "None" if no conflicts exist.

Author Contributions Statement:
The Author Contributions Statement (for original articles) should briefly describe the tasks of individual authors. Please list only the surname of each author, without full stops, but separated by commas (e.g. Namazi, Akbarzadeh;). In the case of two authors with the same initials, please use the first name initial to differentiate between them (e.g. M.Akbarzadeh). The Author Contributions Statement should be included at the end of the manuscript before the References.


Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references, which must be numbered respectively in the order of citation in the text (Vancouver style). Reference citations should come within text marked by numbers in parenthesis.

In order to increase the accuracy of the references listed, using a Citation Management Software such as “EndNote” Or “Reference Manager” is recommended.

The overall format of references is as follows:

Seeliger E, Sendeski M, Rihal CS, Persson PB. Contrast-induced kidney injury: mechanisms, risk factors, and prevention. European heart journal. 2012;33(16):2007-15.

Inclusive page numbers should be given for all references. When there are six or less authors, surnames and initials of all authors should be mentioned. In the case of seven or more authors, the names of the first six authors followed by et al should be written.

Begin each table on a separate page. The table number should be Arabic in the order of its citation in the text, followed by a period and a brief title. Abbreviations must be defined in the footnotes. Indicate footnotes in this order: *, †, ‡, §, ∥, ¶, #, **. Do not submit tables as photographs.

Illustrations should be numbered as cited in the respective order in the text. Figure title and caption material must appear in the legend, not on the figure. Figures should be uploaded in GIF, JPEG, EPS or TIFF format.  Abbreviations must be defined in the footnotes.


Ethical Consideration:

Research with human subjects should be conducted in full accordance with ethical principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki-Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects (2008). The written informed consent explaining the nature of the procedure and possible risks should be obtained from all the study participants in the experimental investigation. The experimental investigation should be registered with the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials website ( or the related country and ethical committee of the research center or University where the study was carried out.

Research with animals should be conducted in full accordance with the European Communities Council Directive of 24 November 1986 (86/609/EEC) and in accordance with local laws and regulations governed within that country or with the guidelines laid down by the National Institute of Health regarding the use of animals for experimental procedures.

The research being reported, the methods and results should have been presented clearly, honestly, and without fabrication. The research should be original, not plagiarized, and not been published or being considered for publication elsewhere, except as described in the covering letter. All persons designated as authors should have a substantial contribution to the manuscript and take public responsibility for its contents. The corresponding author takes responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, from inception to published article.

Manuscript should have appropriate citations to the related article in the field. Permission also must be obtained to reproduce or adapt any figures or tables that have been published previously.

Any financial interests, direct or indirect, in connection with the author(s)' manuscript must be disclosed in the covering letter and at the end of manuscript. Furthermore, sources of financial support of the project are named in the covering letter as well as the Acknowledgements.

Manuscripts must be devoid of any forms of plagiarism. They should also have appropriate citations to the related literature in the field.


Peer Review Process

Manuscript will be reviewed for possible publication with the understanding that it is being submitted to International Journal of Cardiovascular Practice alone at that point in time and has not been published anywhere, simultaneously submitted, or already accepted for publication elsewhere.

On submission, editor review all submitted manuscripts initially. All submitted manuscripts that are found suitable for publication in International Journal of Cardiovascular Practice, are sent to at least two independent reviewers from the specialized field, in a double blind, peer review proccess. Every manuscript is finally reviewed by the Editor of the journal, who based on the comments from the reviewers takes a final decision on the manuscript. This process usually takes a period of 4-6 weeks.

If required, the author is requested to provide a point by point response to reviewers’ comments and submit a revised version of the manuscript. This process is repeated till reviewers and editors are satisfied with the manuscript. Manuscripts accepted for publication are copy edited for grammar, punctuation, print style, and format.

The whole process of submission of the manuscript to final decision and sending and receiving proofs is completely online.

Role of Editor


Role of Journal Editors

The main role of an Editor is to promote scholarship in the specialist field associated with the journal, whilst also promoting the journal as the best journal to publish in. For any journal the editor will need to encourage new and established authors to submit articles and set up a reliable panel of expert reviewers. Editors are also responsible for offering feedback to reviewers when required and ensure that any feedback to authors is constructive.


Responsibilities of Editor of IJCP

Editor of International Journal of Cardiovascular Practice will try to be a leader in the specific field of practice underpinning journal content as it helps the journal development, presence and standing within the international community.

The Editor of IJCP journal is familiar with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) ‘Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Edito