Effect of baby walker use on developmental status based on Ages and Stages questionnaire score
Iranian Journal of Child Neurology,
Vol. 14 No. 1 (2020),
1 January 2020
Page 105-111
Baby walker is a popular device which parents use for entertainment, keeping infants safe and walking promotion. Some studies showed developmental delay in baby walker users though others reported no significant effect on development in this group. We designed this study to determine whether baby walker usage has any effect on development by using Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ).
Materials & Methods
We evaluated 107 one-year-old infants in each baby walker user group and non-users (total number of 214 participants) by using ASQ test of 12-month. We re-evaluated 168 infants at age 18-month by using ASQ test of 18-month. The data of these groups was compared.
Girls use baby walker more frequently (p=0.02). Baby walker usage was not significantly associated with parent’s educational state, mother employment, birth rank of infant and delivery method. The starting age of baby walker use was 6.61 ± 1.46 months. ASQ results in area of gross movement and fine movement were not significantly different in users and non- users at age 12 and 18 month.
Most parents believe baby walker can promote earlier walking, but based on current evidences this belief might not be true. Although most studies showed no developmental delay in baby walker users, parents should become aware about their possible negative effects and hazards.
- Baby walker
- Infant
- Ages and stages questionnaire
How to Cite
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