The Effectiveness of EmotionFocused Therapy on Infertility Stigma, Marital Intimacy and Perceived Stress of Infertile Women Referring to Medical Centers in Tehran
International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences,
Vol. 10 No. 4 (2023),
25 December 2023
Page 39-49
Background and Aim:The main aim of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of emotion-focused therapy on infertility stigma, marital intimacy and perceived stress of infertile women visiting medical centers in Tehran.
Materials and Methods:This is an experimental study with a pre-test/post-test design with a control group. The research sample was 34 infertile women in Tehran (17 people in each group) who were selected via purposive sampling and assigned to two experimental groups and one control group. In order to collect data, the well-being questionnaire of infertility stigma, marital intimacy and perceived stress was used. One group received emotion-focused therapy and the control group did not receive any form of therapy.
Results:The results of covariance analysis showcased that emotion-focused therapy has significantly reduced the negative feeling of marital stigma, so that the participants’ sense of self-worth increased, their feeling of withdrawal decreased, and the negative feelings of family stigma and public stigma also decreased. Moreover, this treatment increased the marital intimacy of infertile women. In addition, the amount of negative perceived stress of these women was significantly reduced and theirpositive perceived stress was also improved (P<0/05).
Conclusion:It is concluded thatemotion-focused therapy is a useful and effective treatment for reducing negative stress, infertility stigma and increasing and improving marital intimacy of infertile womenand this treatment can be used to increase marital satisfaction and reduce divorce.
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