The Effect of Art Therapy on Motor Skills of Children with Autism The Effect of Art Therapy on Motor Skills of Children with Autism
International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences,
Vol. 8 No. 4 (2021),
16 April 2022
Page 27-34
Background and Aim:Autism spectrum disorder is the most common behavioral disorder in children that is associated with communication deficits and stereotyped behaviors. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of art therapy on the motor skills of children with autism.
Materials and Methods:The research method was quasi-experimental with pre-test, post-test and a control group. The statistical population of the study included preschool and elementary school students in Tehran in 1395-96 school year. Among them, 30 children with autism were selected by purposive sampling and randomly assigned into experimental and control groups. Data collection tools were the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale (Garz) and the Lincoln-Ozertsky Motor Skills Test. Painting-based art therapy was performed in 18 sessions of 20 minutes for the experimental group. Data analysis was performed by analysis of covariance.
Results:The results showed that art therapy affected fine motor skills, the balance and flexibility of the joints (P<0.001).
Conclusion:According to the findings, art therapy can improve motor skills in these children by reducing stereotyped movements and coordinating hand and finger movements.
- Autism spectrum disorder, Fine motor skills, Gross motor skills, Art therapy
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Kaplan B. Sadook V. Psychology Summary: Clinical Behavioral Sciences and Psychology. Rezaei.F. (Persian translator). Fifth edition. Tehran: Arjmand Publication; 2014.
Heidari S, sajaddian E, heidarian A. The effectiveness of group therapy based on admission and commitment to psychological distress and infertility Negative mothers with child with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Principles of Mental Health, 2016;9-491.
American psychiatric Association. Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. (Persian translator). SeyedmohammadiY.Second edition. Tehran: ravan; 2014.
Ganji M. Psychology of exceptional based on DSM-5. First edition. Tehran: Savalan; 2014.
Bird M-L, Hill K, Ba M, Williams AD .Efects of resistance and flexibility exercise interventions of balance and related measures in older adults. J Aging Phys Activ. 2009;17(4):444-54.
Berner E, Balogh R, Liyod M. Effectiveness of a fundamental motor skill intervention for 4-year-old children with autism spectrum disorder: A pilot study. Sage journals. 2015;19(8):980-91
Baranek G. Efficacy of Sensory and Motor Interventions for Children with Autism. Autism Dev Disord. 2002;32:397-422.
Abedi A. ShahmivehIsfahaniA .Momeni F. Skills required for children to enter school. Isfahan; 2014.
Hilton CL, Zhang Y, Whilte MR, Klohr CL. &Constantino J. Motor Impairment in Sibling Pairs Concordant and Discordant for Autism Spectrum Disorders.2012;16(4):430-41.
Teague SJ, Newman LK, Tonge BJ, Gray KM, Mhypedd Team. Attachment and child behaviour and emotional problems in autism spectrum disorder with intellectual disability. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 2020;33(3):475-87.
Kosari S.The Effect of a Selected Physical Activity Program on the Development of Motor Skills in Children with ADHD and Autistic Children (HFA). Development & Motor Learning. 2014;10:45–60.
Bedford R. Pickles A. Lord C. Early Gross Motor Skills Predict the Subsequent Development of Language in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism research.2016;9(9):993-1001.
Hughes V. Motor problems in autism move into research focus.
MoghadamK . A practical guide to the art program for families of children with autism spectrum disorders. Tehran: Vanya; 2016.
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Alizadeh H. Attention Deficit hyperactivity Disorder. (Persian translator).Tehran: Roshd Publication; 2004.
Werner R. Perceptual-Mtor Development Euipmentieas&Ativiies. (Persian translator). Tehran: Danje Publications; 2000.
Aggernaes B. Autism: A transdiagnostic, dimensional, construct of reasoning? The European journal of neuroscience. 2017; 27.
Nancy J, Minshew MD, KiBum S. Underdevelopment of the postural control system in autism. Royal Jubilee Hospital on November.2007;15-16.
Kimberly A. Fournier, Chris J, Hass. Motor Coordination in Autism Spectrum Disorders: J Autism Dev Disorder.2010;40:1227–40.
American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (text revision). 2000;4:70-84.
Ahmadi C, Safari T, Hematian M, Khalili Z. Evaluation of psychometric indices of autistic diagnostic test (GARS) (Center for Education and Rehabilitation of Autistic Children in Isfahan). Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences. 2011;1(1):88-104.
DavarinaA,Yarmohammadian A, Ghamrani. Comparative study of coarse, fine and physical motor skills in mentally retarded children, autism and learning disorder with normal children. 2015;16(1):66-74.
Babapour J. The Comparison of Motor Skills of Dyslexic and Non dyslexic Students. J Tabriz Uni Med Sci. 2007;28:7-10.
Moghaddam K, Painting is an instrument for the treatment and evaluation of exceptional children. Research Educational Information. No andishsanz. 2015;9(36):19-23.
Behpajouh A, Nouri F. The effect of therapeutic painting on reducing the emotional disturbances of ordinary children and mentally retarded children. Journal of Psychology and Educational.2002;2:155-70.
Shahidizand F, Golmohammadi B, Akbari H. The Impact of Progressive Motion Program on Improving Motor Skills in Children with Autism. Hournal of growth and motor sport learning.2015;3(7):343-57.
Silverz J. Art therapy for children and adolescents.(Persian translator). Tavakoli E, Shafieefar E. Tehran:Fararavan.2015Martin M, Moving on the spectrum: Dance/movement therapy as a potential early intervention tool for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Arts Psychother. 2014;7(8):545-53.
Lang R, Koegel IK, Ashbaugh K, Reester A, EnceW, Smith W. Physical Exercise and Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review.Research in Austin spectrum disorder. 2010;1(3):1202-15.
Golubchik P, Kodesh A, Weizman A. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and comorbid subsyndromal depression: what is the impact of methylphenidate on mood?. Clinical neuropharmacology. 2013;36(5):141-5.
Ahmadi A,Shahi Y. Effect of perceptual motor exercises on math and motor skills in autism, single-subject examination. Journal of Principles of Mental Health.2010;12(46):534-41.
Hesapcioglu ST, Tural MK, Kandil S. Sociodemographic/clinical charactristics and risk factors associated with chronic tic disorders. Turk psikiyatri Derg.2013; 24: 158-67.
Sujlana A, Dang R. Dental care for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Dent Child (Chic).2013; 80(2):67-70.
Kaplan B. Sadook V. Psychology Summary: Clinical Behavioral Sciences and Psychology. Rezaei.F. (Persian translator). Fifth edition. Tehran: Arjmand Publication; 2014.
Heidari S, sajaddian E, heidarian A. The effectiveness of group therapy based on admission and commitment to psychological distress and infertility Negative mothers with child with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Principles of Mental Health, 2016;9-491.
American psychiatric Association. Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. (Persian translator). SeyedmohammadiY.Second edition. Tehran: ravan; 2014.
Ganji M. Psychology of exceptional based on DSM-5. First edition. Tehran: Savalan; 2014.
Bird M-L, Hill K, Ba M, Williams AD .Efects of resistance and flexibility exercise interventions of balance and related measures in older adults. J Aging Phys Activ. 2009;17(4):444-54.
Berner E, Balogh R, Liyod M. Effectiveness of a fundamental motor skill intervention for 4-year-old children with autism spectrum disorder: A pilot study. Sage journals. 2015;19(8):980-91
Baranek G. Efficacy of Sensory and Motor Interventions for Children with Autism. Autism Dev Disord. 2002;32:397-422.
Abedi A. ShahmivehIsfahaniA .Momeni F. Skills required for children to enter school. Isfahan; 2014.
Hilton CL, Zhang Y, Whilte MR, Klohr CL. &Constantino J. Motor Impairment in Sibling Pairs Concordant and Discordant for Autism Spectrum Disorders.2012;16(4):430-41.
Teague SJ, Newman LK, Tonge BJ, Gray KM, Mhypedd Team. Attachment and child behaviour and emotional problems in autism spectrum disorder with intellectual disability. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 2020;33(3):475-87.
Kosari S.The Effect of a Selected Physical Activity Program on the Development of Motor Skills in Children with ADHD and Autistic Children (HFA). Development & Motor Learning. 2014;10:45–60.
Bedford R. Pickles A. Lord C. Early Gross Motor Skills Predict the Subsequent Development of Language in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism research.2016;9(9):993-1001.
Hughes V. Motor problems in autism move into research focus.
MoghadamK . A practical guide to the art program for families of children with autism spectrum disorders. Tehran: Vanya; 2016.
Dadsetan, P. Child Character Evaluation Based on Draw Test. Tehran: Roshd;2014.
Case C, Dalley T. The handbook of art therapy. Routledge; 2014.
Golubovic S, Maksimovic J, Golubovic B, Glumbic N. Effects of Exercise on Physical fitness in Children with Intellectual Disability. Research in development disabilities. 2012;33(2):14-608.
Alizadeh H. Attention Deficit hyperactivity Disorder. (Persian translator).Tehran: Roshd Publication; 2004.
Werner R. Perceptual-Mtor Development Euipmentieas&Ativiies. (Persian translator). Tehran: Danje Publications; 2000.
Aggernaes B. Autism: A transdiagnostic, dimensional, construct of reasoning? The European journal of neuroscience. 2017; 27.
Nancy J, Minshew MD, KiBum S. Underdevelopment of the postural control system in autism. Royal Jubilee Hospital on November.2007;15-16.
Kimberly A. Fournier, Chris J, Hass. Motor Coordination in Autism Spectrum Disorders: J Autism Dev Disorder.2010;40:1227–40.
American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (text revision). 2000;4:70-84.
Ahmadi C, Safari T, Hematian M, Khalili Z. Evaluation of psychometric indices of autistic diagnostic test (GARS) (Center for Education and Rehabilitation of Autistic Children in Isfahan). Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences. 2011;1(1):88-104.
DavarinaA,Yarmohammadian A, Ghamrani. Comparative study of coarse, fine and physical motor skills in mentally retarded children, autism and learning disorder with normal children. 2015;16(1):66-74.
Babapour J. The Comparison of Motor Skills of Dyslexic and Non dyslexic Students. J Tabriz Uni Med Sci. 2007;28:7-10.
Moghaddam K, Painting is an instrument for the treatment and evaluation of exceptional children. Research Educational Information. No andishsanz. 2015;9(36):19-23.
Behpajouh A, Nouri F. The effect of therapeutic painting on reducing the emotional disturbances of ordinary children and mentally retarded children. Journal of Psychology and Educational.2002;2:155-70.
Shahidizand F, Golmohammadi B, Akbari H. The Impact of Progressive Motion Program on Improving Motor Skills in Children with Autism. Hournal of growth and motor sport learning.2015;3(7):343-57.
Silverz J. Art therapy for children and adolescents.(Persian translator). Tavakoli E, Shafieefar E. Tehran:Fararavan.2015Martin M, Moving on the spectrum: Dance/movement therapy as a potential early intervention tool for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Arts Psychother. 2014;7(8):545-53.
Lang R, Koegel IK, Ashbaugh K, Reester A, EnceW, Smith W. Physical Exercise and Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review.Research in Austin spectrum disorder. 2010;1(3):1202-15.
Golubchik P, Kodesh A, Weizman A. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and comorbid subsyndromal depression: what is the impact of methylphenidate on mood?. Clinical neuropharmacology. 2013;36(5):141-5.
Ahmadi A,Shahi Y. Effect of perceptual motor exercises on math and motor skills in autism, single-subject examination. Journal of Principles of Mental Health.2010;12(46):534-41.
Hesapcioglu ST, Tural MK, Kandil S. Sociodemographic/clinical charactristics and risk factors associated with chronic tic disorders. Turk psikiyatri Derg.2013; 24: 158-67.
Sujlana A, Dang R. Dental care for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Dent Child (Chic).2013; 80(2):67-70.
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