The Effectiveness of Play Therapy on Reduction of Symptoms of Insecure Attachment and Separation Anxiety of among Preschoolers
International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences,
Vol. 5 No. 4 (2018),
26 August 2019
Page 19-28
Introduction: the purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of play therapy on reduction of symptoms of insecure attachment and separation anxiety of preschoolers. Method: the present study was experimental with a control group design and included pre-test, post-test. Sampling was purposeful in which 20 preschoolers from Garmsar preschools and kindergartens who were received high score in pre-test were selected and randomly divided into 2 groups (experimental and control). The instruments that used as pre-test and post-test were RADQ and CSI-4 questionnaires. The Experimental group received 8 sessions of group play therapy weekly and the control group received nothing. After sessions both groups participated in post-test and the data were collected. Analysis of the data was done by descriptive and inferential analysis such as covariance analysis. Results: the result showed that play therapy was effective on reduction of symptoms of insecure attachment and separation anxiety (- insecure attachment
- separation anxiety
- play therapy
- preschoolers
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