Review of literature on cognitive-behavioral therapy, behavioral parent training for aggressive behavior, and peer problem of children with conduct disorder
International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences,
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016),
12 January 2017
Page 43-55
Introduction: This study provides an overview of interventions, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, behavioral parent training for aggressive behavior, and peer problems of children with conduct disorder (CD) worldwide. Conduct disorder is one of the main externalizing disorders listed in DSM-5 among children and adolescents. Children with this disorder violate basic rights of others and other societal norms. The main symptom of conduct disorder is aggression. Aggressive behavior often results in being rejected by their peers (especially those with prosocial behaviors) and losing the opportunity for developing social skills. Methods: This study reviews the related studies on treatment of children with CD through the aforementioned methods conducted over the world. Most of the studies mainly focused on only children with conduct problems and only in a few of them parents of the children were involved as sources of data collection. Results: This review demonstrated that researchers worldwide investigate aggressive behavior of children with conduct problems vastly. It is also evident that more studies need to be conducted in both developed and developing countries to solve peer problems of children with CD. Conclusion: It is recommended that in developing countries studies based on making choices program need to be expanded. Declaration of interest: None
- Behavior therapy
- Cognitive
- Education
- Parenting
- Conduct disorder
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