The effectiveness of Solution- Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) on Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in parents of children with cancer
International Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences,
Vol. 4 No. 4 (2017),
15 January 2019
Page 50-56
Introduction: During cancer treatment, parents are faced with a number of challenges that require making difficult situations. The aim of this project was investigating effectiveness of SFBT on Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in parents of children with cancer. Methods: The present research will be an experimental study with pretest-posttest design using control and experimental groups. The statistical population of the study include all parents of children with cancer of Shiraz hospitals during 2016-2017. To select the statistical sample, convenient sampling method will be used. 24 people will be randomly selected and they will be randomly assigned in a control group (12 people), an experimental group (12 people). Instrument was used in this research includes Impact of Events Scale. Results: Investigating the significance hypothesis revealed that of difference among the two groups in Co-variance analysis in terms of posttraumatic stress symptoms in the posttest was significant (F = 256.0, P = .0001). Investigating the significance hypothesis revealed that of difference among the two groups in multiple Co-variance analysis in terms of subscales of posttraumatic stress symptoms (intrusion, avoidance, and hyperarousal) in the posttest was significant (F = 50.0, P = .0001 in intrusion, F = 173.0, P = .0001 in avoidance and F = 124.0, P = .0001 in hyperarousal). Conclusion: The research findings showed that solution- focused brief therapy on posttraumatic stress symptoms was effectiveness. The authors contend that SFBT is particularly well-suited for use with cancer patients and their families because “the nature of the disease is such that crises are intermittent throughout the course of the illness”.
- Solution-Focused brief therapy
- Children
- Cancer
How to Cite
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