Evaluation of the relationship between microbial quality of drinking water and the cross-sectional outbreak of related diseases - Case study: Kangavar city (2005-2009)
Journal of Health in the Field,
28 بهمن 2017
Background and Aims: Evaluation of the microbial quality of drinking water can help to prevent the diseases in different times and regions that transmitted through water. So the aim of this study is the survey of microbial quality of drinking water and cross-sectional outbreaks of its related diseases in Kangavar city.Materials and Methods: To accomplish this study, first the results of the microbial quality of drinking water in Kangavar city and cases of diseases from all rural and urban health centers within five years (2005-2009) were received. For determination of the relationship between disease and microbial quality of water, the Pearson correlation coefficient (Correlation instructions) in each studied variable (season and location of samples) was used.
Results: Results showed that prevalence of all considered diseases (except hepatitis A) in terms of area (urban or rural) and seasons had significant relationship with microbial contamination of drinking water (P value < 0.05). This relationship was stronger in rural areas than urban areas (except for simple diarrhea) and warm seasons compared to cold seasons.
Conclusion: According to significant relationship between microbial quality of drinking water and prevalence of dysentery and typhoid diseases in different areas and seasons, it is necessary to keep up the quality of drinking water in the high susceptible regions and times (rural areas and warm seasons).
Key words: Microbial quality, Cross-sectional outbreak, Water borne diseases, Kangavar
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