برای ارسال مقاله نیاز به ثبت‌نام و ورود به سامانه است.

به‌عنوان مرحله‌ای از روند ارسال مقاله ، لازم است که نویسندگان از مهیا بودن اقلام مختلف برای ارسال مقاله اطمینان حاصل کنند. برای این کار لازم است که اقلام موجود در چک‌لیست زیر را بررسی نموده و در صورت مهیا بودن جلوی آن تیک بزنند.

  • ساب میشن قبلا چاپ نشده و هم اکنون تحت بررسی برای چاپ نیست. درغیر این صورت توضیحی برای آن در قسمت نامه نویسنده ضمیمه است.
  • فایل ساب میشن به فرمات OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, یا WordPerfect میباشد.
  • ختی المقدور لینک مراجع در متن ارائه شده است. و URLs آماده کلیک کردن است
  • فاصله سطور در متن مقاله تک فاصله ای است ، فونت 12 در صورت لزوم از فونت ایتالیک بجای زیرخط دار استفاده شده است ، تمام تصاویر و نمودارها و جداول در خود متن در محل مناسب نه در انتها میباشد.
  • متن مقاله بر طبق اصول مقاله نویسی و مرجع نگاری راهنمای نویسندگان میباشد که در قسمت در باره مجله یافت میشود.
  • در صورتی که مقاله قرار باشد کارشناسی شود ، ساب میشن از نظر رعایت کارشناسی محرمانه ) دستورالعمل های لازم رعایت شده است.

Instructions to Authors

Submission process:

Articles appear in Persian full text accompanied with English abstract. Papers submitted for publication should describe original work, not previously published elsewhere.It is noted that the submission or article processing is in free charge.

A. Original articles: Are scientific reports from original studies. The article consists of abstract (English and Persian including aims, material and methods, results and conclusion), keywords, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgements and references.

B. Brief Report: Is a brief report of original research and have structure like original research article. The article should not exceed 2000 words, two tables or graphs and 15 references.

C. Systematic Review and Meta Analysis  articles: Written by experts in their field and with references to their own published works (at least 3 articles). The article should have at least 30 references and consists of abstract (introduction text and conclusion), keywords, introduction, text, conclusion, acknowledgments and references.

D. Case Reports: Should consist of abstract, Introduction, case presentation, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgment and references.

E. letter to Editor: Should not exceed 500 words and usually without abstract, table and graph.


Manuscript preparation:

Cover letter: The manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter, signed by corresponding author. The letter should be referred to the editor in chief and state that the manuscript has not been published previously nor submitted simultaneously elsewhere.

Manuscript should be typed in word 2003 or 2007 in a size of at least 12, double spaced, with margins of at least 2.5 cm (1 inch). Each manuscript should be arranged in the following sequence:

Title page: Including full title, full name(s) of authors, highest academic degree, Affiliation(s) of all authors, full postal address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail of corresponding author and running title with a maximum 5 words.

Abstract and keywords: Abstract, should be in structural format as mentioned above. Abstract should not exceed 250 words. The abstract should be followed by a list of 3-5 keywords.

Text: Original articles should be divided into sections headed: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and Acknowledgments.

Tables: Tables in limited number with the caption placed above. Table should be submitted as text list3 format with Persian numbers.

Illustrations: Micrographs should include a scale bar. The figures should be in tif or jpg format with 300 dpi resolution and in separate pages.

The author have not to pay fee for publication paper and there  is no fee associated with submission, peer-reviewed, acceptance and publication papers to this journal

Downloading statistics:

Number of times that each published article is downloaded by people is calculated.

Ethical considerations

"Journal of Health in the Field" follows the guidelines of "Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)".  Ethical considerations must be addressed in the material and methods. Clinical trial must be signed and recorded in Iranian clinical trial Centre (IRCT) and other international clinical trial registered databases approved by WHO. If the work involves the use of human subjects, should be conducted in accordance with the Code Of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki). 


"Journal of Health in the Field" is strongly committed to ethical publication practices and to avoiding plagiarism. The authors are not allowed to utilize verbatim text of previously published papers or manuscripts submitted elsewhere. We accept all terms and conditions of COPE about plagiarism. A manuscript is sent for peer review after it is processed through a text-matching software. 


The references should be cited by numbers in [ ], in the order in which they are first cited in the text. Include the names of all authors when six or fewer; when six or more, list only the first six names and add et al.


Jafari MJ, Shafiei B, Rezazadeh Azari M, Movahhedi M. Occupational exposure to welding fumes using different ventilation scenarios. International Journal of Occupational Hygiene. 2010; 9(2):1-5.

Paper presented in conference:

Yavari P, Abadi A, Mehrabi Y. Mortality and changing epidemiological trends in Iran during 1979-2001 with emphasis on cancer. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Predictive Oncology and Intervention Strategies 2004 Feb. 7-10; Nice, France. P: 325-329.


Crittenden JC, Rhodes TR, Hand DW, Howe KJ, Tchobanoglous G. Water treatment: principles and design. 2nd ed.New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2005; P: 200-215.


Fearing DA. Process options for the water treatment of humic rich waters [dissertation]. School of Water Sciences: Cranfield University 2004; P: 56-71.

Electronic references:

Kilmartin M. Women in GP: A strategy for women GPs 2003. RACGP Online. Available from:http://www.racgp.org.au/. Accessed Jul 30, 2003.

Manuscript submission:

There are two ways for submission of articles:

1- By Journal e-mail address: jfh@sbmu.ac.ir

2- Online submission via Journal website: http://journals.sbmu.ac.ir

Instruction to Authors (check list):

- Submit the manuscript, typed with Microsoft Word.

- Submit PDF format of manuscript.

- Send Microsoft Excel files.

- Send covering letter to Editor in chief, signed by corresponding author, stating that the authors wish to have their paper evaluated for publishing.

 - Send figures.

 - Check the Article for the following items:

     - Title, Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion, References, Abstract (In Persian and English), Abbreviations and

     names in the text should be written in parenthesis unless it is a standard unit of measurement.