Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern; a Review Article
Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine,
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2015),
1 February 2015
Page 3-7
Ebola hemorrhagic fever (EHF) was first reported in 1976 with two concurrent outbreaks of acute viral hemorrhagic fever centered in Yambuku (near the Ebola River), Democratic Republic of Congo, and also in Nzara, Sudan. The current outbreak of the Ebola Virus was started by reporting the first case in March 2014 in the forest regions of southeastern Guinea. Due to raising infection rates of over 13,000% within a 6-month period, now is considered as a global public health emergency and in August 8, 2014 the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the epidemic to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. With more than 5000 involved cases and also nearly 3000 deaths, this event has turned to the largest and most dangerous Ebola virus outbreak in all around the world. Based on above mentioned, the present article aimed to review the virologic characteristics, transmission, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of Ebola virus disease.- Hemorrhagic fever
- Ebola
- health
- emergency responders
- virology
- infection control
How to Cite
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