The Aspects of Running Artificial Intelligence in Emergency Care; a Scoping Review
Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine,
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023),
15 November 2022
Page e38
Introduction: Artificial Inteligence (AI) application in emergency medicine is subject to ethical and legal inconsistencies. The purposes of this study were to map the extent of AI applications in emergency medicine, to identify ethical issues related to the use of AI, and to propose an ethical framework for its use.
Methods: A comprehensive literature collection was compiled through electronic databases/internet search engines (PubMed, Web of Science Platform, MEDLINE, Scopus, Google Scholar/Academia, and ERIC) and reference lists. We considered studies published between 1 January 2014 and 6 October 2022. Articles that did not self-classify as studies of an AI intervention, those that were not relevant to Emergency Departments (EDs), and articles that did not report outcomes or evaluations were excluded. Descriptive and thematic analyses of data extracted from the included articles were conducted.
Results: A total of 137 out of the 2175 citations in the original database were eligible for full-text evaluation. Of these articles, 47 were included in the scoping review and considered for theme extraction. This review covers seven main areas of AI techniques in emergency medicine: Machine Learning (ML) Algorithms (10.64%), prehospital emergency management (12.76%), triage, patient acuity and disposition of patients (19.15%), disease and condition prediction (23.40%), emergency department management (17.03%), the future impact of AI on Emergency Medical Services (EMS) (8.51%), and ethical issues (8.51%).
Conclusion: There has been a rapid increase in AI research in emergency medicine in recent years. Several studies have demonstrated the potential of AI in diverse contexts, particularly when improving patient outcomes through predictive modelling. According to the synthesis of studies in our review, AI-based decision-making lacks transparency. This feature makes AI decision-making opaque.
- Algorithms
- Artificial intelligence
- Emergency service, hospital
- Emergency medicine
- Machine learning
- Neural networks
- computer
- Ethics
How to Cite
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