Impact of methamphetamine and opium use in sexual satisfaction and body image in married substance and non-substance user men
Social Determinants of Health,
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015),
23 December 2015
Page 71-80
Background: sexual satisfaction is a vital component in marital satisfaction and life quality. The appraisal has influence sexual satisfaction. The previous study shows that people use methamphetamine and opium for enhancing sexual functioning.
Objectives: The current study was designed to examine the impact of methamphetamine and opium use in sexual satisfaction and body image.
Patients and Methods: The respondents were 100 non-substance user men with available method and 53 methamphetamine users and 47 opium users with convenience sampling (age ranged below 50 years, mean=34.71). The respondents were completed Index of Sexual Satisfaction (Frazoni 1984) and Body Esteem Scale (Hudson 1981). Data was analyzed between three groups by utilizing the Pearson correlation and MANOVA.
Result: Body image is associated with sexual satisfaction in non-substance user (p<0.01) and opium user (p<0.01), but this relationship was not observed in the methamphetamine group (p<0.05). Also, significant difference was found between three groups in sexual satisfaction and body image (p<0.005). Besides, the results revealed that the average of body image and sexual satisfaction in non-substance abuser is higher than the substance user (p<0.05), and sexual satisfaction in methamphetamine group is higher than opium group (p<0.05).
Conclusion: These findings support the idea that body image is a critical factor in sexual satisfaction. Consequently, in addiction treatment must consider the psychological and physical impact of methamphetamine and opium use in sexual function.
Keywords: sexual satisfaction, body image, methamphetamine use, opium use, men
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