A conceptual model of performance management using balanced scored card models and European foundation for quality management
Social Determinants of Health,
Vol. 8 (2022),
1 January 2022
Page 1-11
Background: This study is aimed to present a conceptual model of performance management using Balanced Scored Card models and European Foundation for Quality Management
Methods: The method of present study was descriptive-survey. Its statistical population included all 1800 employees of Gol Gohar Mining and Industrial Company (n=904). The research sample size was estimated at 270 people based on Cochran's formula. They were selected by random sampling method. Data were collected through review of literature, research background and researcher-made Balanced Scored Card (BSC) and European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) questionnaires. To determine the strategic goals of Gol Gohar Mining and Industrial Company, BSC and EFQM models were used for quality function deployment (QFD). Quantitative goals of each measure, program, actions and cause and effect relationships were identified to determine the strategy map of Gol Gohar Industrial and Mining Company. confirmatory factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha and QFD matrix were used to analyze the data. SPSS-21 software, MINITAB-17, and LISREL- 8.8 software was used.
Results: Stakeholder goals, internal process, learning, financial resources and issues related to leadership, policy, growth and learning of human capital, partnerships and resources, internal processes, customers, human resources, Society and practice are important in the development model.
Conclusion: These finding can be used to present a conceptual model of performance management using BSC and EFQM models in Gol Gohar Mining and Industrial Company given the importance of mentioned company in the Iran’s capital market and meeting the needs of society.
- Gol Gohar Industrial Company
- Total Quality Management
How to Cite
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