The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Therapy by VR (Virtual-Reality) With a Focus on Death Anxiety in a Patient With Cerebellar Cancer (Case Report)
International Clinical Neuroscience Journal,
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2019),
20 Esfand 2019
Page 33-34
Background: Cancer has many potential physical, psychological and social consequences for the patient. This single case study explored the efficiency of mindfulness therapy with the aid of virtual reality (VR) focusing on minimizing anxiety especially death anxiety in a patient with cerebellar cancer.
Methods: In this case study research the patient met and consulted 3 times in the first week, and the aim of these meetings was to break the patient’s resistance through meditation and psychological treatment. After that, 8 sessions each one 2 hours were planned at the patient’s home. In the second week, a subsidiary device called VR (large eye crystal capable of playing 3D film) was used as a method to assist the patient.
Results: The data collected from the pre/posttest of Beck anxiety showed significant progress in blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature, and increased up to its normal levels. In addition, the sense of satisfaction expressed by the patient during the sessions was noticeably significant.
Conclusion: According to results mindfulness therapy by VR with a focus on anxiety reduction as a complementary therapy has remarkable efficacy on improving quality of life in the cancer patient.
- Cerebellum cancer
- Death anxiety
- Miindfulness
- Virtual-reality (VR).
How to Cite
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