Holmium-YAG Laser Cystolithotripsy for Bladder Stone in Children
Iranian Journal of Pediatric Surgery,
Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022),
26 December 2021,
Page 1-8
Introduction: Bladder stones are endemic in developing countries, transurethral cystolithotripsy, open cystolithotomy and percutaneous suprapubic cystolithotripsy are the modalities of treatment. Ho:YAG lasers are widely used recently for pediatric bladder stones with development of pediatric ureteroscopes and cystoscopes. Hence this study is done to evaluate the efficacy, safety and morbidities of holmium laser
lithotripsy for bladder stones in children.
Materials and Methods: This prospective study was conducted in our ins tute over a period of 5 years. All children under18 years who underwent transurethral laser cystolithotripsy were included in the study. 9.5 Fr cystoscopes were used for transurethral cystolithotripsy. The stone was fragmented to 2-3 mm in size in all with Holmium YAG laser. Demographic data, clinical features, stone size, outcome and complications were recorded.
Results: Total of 32 children underwent transurethral laser cystlithotripsy for bladder stone during the period of
study. Mean age were 8.7±5.3 years. The most common presenting symptom was difficulty in micturition, which
occurred in 15 children (46.9 %). Stone sizes ranged from 5 to 60 mm with mean 20.48±12.9 mm. The opera ng me was 3 5 m inutes w ith t he r ange o f 1 5–55 minutes. Complications were seen in 28.1% children among which hematuria was common seen in 18.8% children.
Conclusion: Laser cystolithotripsy is effective and safe with less morbidity for management of bladder stones on children.