Bloodbath Posed by Husband - a Case Report
International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine,
Vol. 5 No. 4(Autumn) (2015),
18 September 2015
Page 214-217
Background: The corpse of a newly married woman was brought for the postmortem examination. It was having multiple stabs over the neck and chest. Incised wounds were there over the chest and both wrists, cutting the radial artery of either side. Total numbers of injuries were 107, comprising few injuries of post mortem nature.
Case Report: The case report highlighted the challenges for an autopsy surgeon in extricating, noting and describing such an exhaustive number of injuries with its corresponding internal injuries. Collecting and preserving the pertinent evidences out of the corpse would be the next challenge. Further, spotting out discrepancy with the number of injuries of an inquest report will remain as an additional task. Subsequently an autopsy surgeon also has to face griming questions in the Court of Law, as an expert witness.
Conclusion: This case report described the history in detail and explicated all the eventual solutions for autopsy surgeon.
- Lust murder
- Homicide
- Multiple stab wounds
- Incised wound
- Autopsy
- Postmortem examination
How to Cite
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