Epidemiological Study of Poisoning in Patients Referring Educational and Clinical Center of Ayatollah Kashani Hospital, Shahrekord (West of Iran) throughout 2008-2014
International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine,
Vol. 6 No. 3(Summer) (2016),
22 October 2016
Page 121-127
Background: Appropriate and early diagnosis and treatment of poisoning could be vital. Awareness of general pattern of poisoning in any geographical regions could be helpful in this regard. According to the lack of information and not being specified the epidemiologic forms of poisoning in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province (west of Iran), this study was carried out to determine the epidemiologic status of poisoning.
Methods: In this routine data base study, available data were used in medical records of 394 patients with poisoning diagnosis throughout 2008-2014 at Ayatollah Kashani Hospital (only recipient hospital of poisoning in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province), which affiliated with Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences. Association between the studies was variable and also reasons for poisoning was investigated by chi-square, analysis of variance, independent t-test, Pearson's correlation in stata software.
Results: Of 395 patients with poisoning, 207 (52.5%) were female and the rest were male. For the years under study, the highest poisoning ratio (20.26%) was seen in 2010 and the lowest (3%) in 2014. Mean age of all, male and female patients was 27.6 , 29.8, and 25.6 years, respectively, with a significant difference between male and female patients (P<0.05).
The mean and standard deviation of duration of hospitalization in respiratory patients was 3.2±4.2, injection 3±3.8, oral 2.5±3, others 2±1.2, and bite was 2 days (P>0.05).
The highest poisoning ratio (62%) was obtained for oral poisonings and the lowest (0.5%) was due to beating. For marital status, the highest poisoning ratio was obtained in the single individuals and the lowest in the divorced (P<0.05). Of 395 patients, 358 (90.6%) survived and the rest died. The highest mortality (17 deaths) was due to oral poisoning.
Conclusion: Poisoning occurs often in young people and has a high load in this group. Trend of poisoning in this province is steadily diminishing. Epidemiological, regional data helps to use the sources appropriately to prevent and control poisoning. Further, analysis of the effective factors could contribute to decreasing poisoning incidence by planners and policymakers.
- Poisoning
- Hospitalization
- Epidemiology
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