Death due to Positional Asphyxia – a Case Report
International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine,
Vol. 6 No. 3(Summer) (2016),
22 October 2016
Page 164-166
Background: Positional asphyxia is virtually always an accident and is associated with alcohol or drug intoxication. In positional asphyxia individuals do get trapped in restricted spaces.
Case Report: We are presenting a case of 26-years old young adult male, who was intoxicated with alcohol, positioned himself in such a way that it led to his death due to positional asphyxia.
Conclusion: The positional asphyxia has been defined as asphyxia caused due to unusual position of the body which interferes with the breathing and thus pulmonary ventilation The cases of positional asphyxia are difficult to diagnose because of the absence of any specific external findings.
- Asphyxia
- Intoxication
- Positional Asphyxia
How to Cite
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