Virginity and Virginity Testing: Then and Now
International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine,
Vol. 6 No. 1(Winter) (2016),
12 February 2016
Page 36-43
Background: Despite the increasing progresses in medicine and health in the 21st century especially in the area of reproductive health, myths related to “virginity” and “virginity testing” still figure out life and death in some communities after centuries. Overall, aim of this study was to investigate the myths and objective facts associated with virginity and virginity testing.
Methods: This review conducted by SID, Ovid, Science Direct, Pub Med, Pro Quest, Iran Medex, Google Scholar, Cochrane library, EBSCO, and United Nations Population Fund, WHO from 1980 to 2015. Keywords for search included virginity, virginity testing, hymen, sexual abstinence.
Results: The undeniable value of virginity, female virginity worth versus the shame of virginity for male, the idea to preserve virginity despite oral and anal sex and indicators to assess the intact hymen and wedding night bleeding to prove virginity are misconceptions that besides perceived premarital sex as signs of civilization and conflicts of gender inequality and violence against women lead to fail most of approaches against increasing of premarital sex.
Conclusion: Although programs such as "virginity pledge", "Silver Ring" and "Sexual abstinence education" are running in some countries, in order to expand virginity as a practical approach in controlling sexual transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy, the role of undeniable myths in advance to such approaches, the use of cultural, social and religious potentials of different societies to cope with the misconceptions and teaching of related objective facts seems necessary.
- Virginity
- Virginity Testing
- Hymen
- Sexual Abstinence
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