The Trend of Poisoning During the COVID-19 and Post-COVID-19 Era in Tehran, Iran Between 2019 and 2023
International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine,
Vol. 14 No. 03 (2024),
6 August 2024
Background: Each year, a significant number of fatalities caused by drug poisoning are documented globally. Analyzing the pattern of poisonings is crucial for prevention, particularly in decreasing the incidence of suicides. This research aimed to investigate the trend of poisonings from 2019 to 2023 at Loghman Hakim Hospital, Tehran, Iran.
Methods: The present study collected data on gender, age, reasons for poisoning and patient outcomes from the archived records of Loghman Hakim Hospital Poison Center, Tehran, Iran, using the ICD- 10 coding system. Patients were categorized into medication groups following the guidelines in Goldfrank’s book and with input from clinical toxicology specialists. All records underwent a thorough review. The data were analyzed using SPSS software, version 24, incorporating statistical analyses, such as Fisher’s exact and chi-square tests.
Result: A comprehensive analysis was performed on 81,689 patients who had experienced poisoning, with 41336(50.6%) being male and 40353(49.4%) being female. The mortality rate over five years stood at 2.01%. The highest number of fatalities occurred in 2023 and 2022, with 359 cases (21.82%) and 358 cases (21.76%), respectively. Opioid and narcotic poisoning was identified as the primary cause of death, representing 30.33% of the cases.
Conclusion: It is crucial to restrict access to methadone and alcohol. Additionally, the increasing instances of poisonings underscore the societal requirement for government support to alleviate the psychological and economic burdens induced by the coronavirus pandemic.
- Overdose
- Poisoning
- Methadone
- Substance abuse
- Trend
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