Assessing Substances Abuse-Induced Mortality Rates by Autopsy Method in Iran
International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine,
Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021),
15 June 2021
Page 32400
Background: Substance abuse is among the main causes of preventable diseases and premature deaths worldwide. Despite legal efforts to prevent substance abuse, it has increased and imposed significant economic costs on societies. This analytical cross-sectional study aimed to explore the rate of substance abuse-induced mortality in the provinces of Iran, in 2017. We elaborated an evaluation structure to identify nationwide different substance abuse-related mortality rates.
Methods: We employed the retrospective data extracted from autopsy, forensic medicine examination, and demographic characteristics from the recordings in the Iranian Legal Medicine Organization (ILMO). Stata and ArcGIS were applied for data analysis.
Results: Nationwide, 3089 substance abuse-related deaths were recorded in the ILMO; the incidence rate was 38.17 per million subjects. The deaths mostly occurred in the 30-39 age group and males accounted for 90% of cases. The provinces of Kermanshah, Lorestan, Fars, Hamadan, and Semnan reported significantly higher rates, compared with the provinces of Mazandaran, West-Azerbaijan, and Golestan with the lowest mortality rates per million (74.72, 69.81, 63.42, 61.70, 58.53 vs. 10.82, 12.11, 14.30, respectively). Mortality rates due to the abuse of methadone (20.29), morphine (12.34), amphetamine (5.32), methamphetamine (7.05), codeine (4.21), tramadol (5.96), benzodiazepine (1.47), and diphenoxylate (0.05) were calculated per million populations of Iran.
Conclusion: The obtained data suggested that preventive interventions should focus on the 20-40 age group. Methadone, morphine, and methamphetamine were associated with the highest mortality, compared to other substances; thus, they require effective treatment and preventive programs. Iranian Drug Control Headquarters, police department, and policymakers should act more efficiently regarding a preventive strategic plan in this respect.
- Death Rate, Substance abuse, Autopsy, Toxicology, Iran
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