Prevalence of Vascular Trauma and Related Factors in Iran: A Systematic Review
International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine,
Vol. 11 No. 2 (2021),
15 Khordad 2021
Page 31441
Background: Managing patients with Vascular Trauma (VT) is essential. This study aimed to
determine the prevalence of VT and its related factors in Iran.
Methods: This systematic review was performed by two skilled researchers. To access all the
Persian and English articles on VT and its influencing factors (from 2000 to August 2019),
in addition to Google Scholar search engine, other international databases, such as PubMed/
Medline, Scopus, Embase, Cochrane Library, Science Direct, Web of Science (ISI), and
domestic databases, such as Magiran, IranDoc, National Library of Iran Organization, SID,
and Barakatkns were used. Data analysis was conducted by MA (CMA) software.
Results: The incidence of lower Lower Vascular Trauma (LVI) trauma was equal to 58.4
(95%CI: 41.1-73.8) (I2= 94.67, Q=112.57, P<0.001); the prevalence of upper LVI trauma was
measured to be 31.5 (95%CI: 17.7-49.7) (I2=94.48, Q=108.70, P<0.001); the prevalence of
penetrating trauma was calculated as 61.3 (95% CI: 49.5-71.9); the prevalence of ulnar nerve
injury equaled 9.8 (95%CI: 2.8-28.6); the prevalence of radial nerve trauma was equal to 7.7
(95%CI: 1.2-35.4); the prevalence of death cases was reported as 12.3 (95%CI: 5.1-26.9);
the prevalence of amputation rate was observed as 8.8 (95%CI: 5.7-13.4); the prevalence
of fasciotomy rate was equal to 22.2 (95%CI: 13.2-34.5); the prevalence of complete artery
cutting equaled 55.7 (95% CI: 35.4-74.3),and the prevalence of incomplete artery cutting was
measured as 25.5 (95%CI: 12.1-45.9).
Conclusion: According to the study results, VT has led to various complications in patients;
thus, it is critical to provide the necessary conditions to preserve the patient’s life and prevent
life-threatening complications. Such goals could be achieved by preventing this type of trauma
and its related complications.
- Vascular trauma
- Complications
- Systematic review
How to Cite
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